Inline of contributing to the national Digital Talent Policy, Edified Generation Rwanda is committed to take a lead to support the GoR in regards to the achievement of this policy through a national wide project “Bridging Digital Divide Among the Youth” targeting the youth from secondary schools.Edified Generation Rwanda is organizing the special ICT training in ICDL Modules which will be piloted by certifying the 130 capable ICDL certified trainers in the phase one of the project , the 130 will be used to implement the second phase which will be targeting directly the secondary schools communities which is our specific target by 2020 using the 130 capable trainers Edified Generation Rwanda will assist the ministry directly and indirectly to achieve its goals national wide since the later shall be used by both ministry and Edified Generation Rwanda Edified Generation Rwanda has initiated the strong partnership with ICDL Africa , to work closely and collaboratively along the implementation of the “Bridging Digital Divide among the Youth” in quality(in all its Phases ) to meet the international standards level , our aim is to export ICT Skills in EAC by 2019 and we hope to gather with ministry we can make it starting the 130 beneficiaries of the Pilot.
28 December 2017
28 December 2020
Edified Generation Rwanda
Rwanda — Civil Society
ICDL Africa , ICDL Foundation, Ministry of youth, Ministry of Education , GIZ, Rwanda National Commission for UNESCO, Rwanda Development Board and World Vision International Rwanda .
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