HARITA-PRIYA is a pilot project assigned to C-DAC, Hyderabad by Andhra Pradesh State Government, India to acquire micro-climate information from farmer fields using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), thereby enabling the dissemination of location specific advisories to farmers. ‘Decision Support Models’ are executed based on the data received from the field and alerts are generated for pest/disease forewarning and irrigation scheduling. Based on the alerts generated by the system, Agricultural Officers of the state government send personalized crop advisories to the farmers in the regional language, Telugu, via SMS.
29 November 2014
29 February 2016
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
India — Government
Government of Andhra Pradesh Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), ICAR Agricultural Research Station, Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Anantapur
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