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ITU 150

National CIRT Establishment (Jamaica)

Project No 9JAM13002
Title National CIRT Establishment (Jamaica)

The main goal of the project is to assist the government of Jamaica to establish its national CIRT (Computer Incident Response Team) to serve as a trusted, central coordination point of contact for cybersecurity; aimed at identifying, defending, responding and managing cyber threats.
ITU will assist the government of Jamaica in building and deploying the technical capabilities and related trainings necessary to establish its national CIRT. Thus it is expected to lead to development of national cybersecurity capacity while moving forward on enhancing regional and international collaboration.

Area of Action Cybersecurity
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 1/4/2013 To 28/2/2014
Beneficiary Countries Jamaica
Implementing Agency ITU
Cooperation Agency Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining (MSTEM) Jamaica
Financial Scale (CHF) 100'000 - 500'000
Achievements Project implemented and completed. Assistance provided to Jamaica to establish its national CIRT (Computer Incident Response Team), to serve as a trusted, central coordination point of contact for cyber security, aimed at identifying, defending, responding and managing cyber threats.

1. Build human capacity.
2. Ensure utilization and operation of the NCIRT by building an effective and efficient capable CIRT that is ready to respond to cyber threats.
3. Review daily operations and workflow processes.

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