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ITU 150

Boosting digital skills through Digital Transformation Centres (DTCs)

Project No 7GLO20108
Title Boosting digital skills through Digital Transformation Centres (DTCs)

Despite unprecedented progress in technological development across the globe, the digital divide persists with almost half the population remaining offline and slowing growth rates in Internet uptake. Among those excluded from the digital world are populations living in rural and underserved communities, low-income households, women and girls and other marginalized groups. As access to digital services increases and the cost of access decreases, lack of digital skills is becoming one of the greatest barriers to digital inclusion, particularly for people at the bottom of the social pyramid in developing countries. In addition, the business sector (including SMEs and start-ups) often lacks employees with the necessary digital skills to become successful in an increasing digital economy. Despite the existence of several targeted digital education and skills policies and programmes, the skills gap remains persistent and is even growing in view of the growth of the technology sector and the demand for a digitally skilled workforce across all other sectors.
It is against this background that ITU and Cisco launched the Digital Transformation Centres (DTC) Initiative in September 2019. The objective of the Initiative is to support countries develop digital skills mainly at basic and intermediate level and particularly in the underserved communities. The capacity to scale and to deliver digital skills training to a large number of citizens is a core objective of the Initiative.
This project supports the activities implemented under the DTC Initiative. In particular, it supports activities aimed at scaling the delivery of digital skills training – and hence digital literacy - in local communities and among marginalized groups. While a major focus of the project is to support the DTC activities in Ghana, it will also support the rolling out of the Initiative at large during its pilot phase (covering nine countries) and leading into the second phase (expanding the number of countries). At the end of the project, in the beneficiary countries there will be a substantial increase in the number of people trained on basic and intermediate digital skills equipping them with job-ready skills that help them progress in the professional life, as well as young entrepreneurs trained with digital and entrepreneurship skills.

Area of Action Digital Inclusion
Capacity Building
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 1/1/2021 To 30/9/2024
Related ITU Webpages
Beneficiary Countries Dominican Rep., Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Ghana, Indonesia, Côte d'Ivoire, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda (Republic of), Uganda, Zambia
Implementing Agency International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Cooperation Agency Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
Financial Scale (CHF) More than 1'000'000
The project's anticipated achievements and key performance indicators are detailed and multifaceted, focusing on enhancing digital skills and capabilities: 

DTC Ghana: 

1. Increased Digital Skills Training: 14,200 individuals trained over three years, with a significant emphasis on including at least 8,000 females. The target audience includes women entrepreneurs, marginalized groups, students/pupils, and youth. 
2. Enhanced Training Capacity: Additional 186 master trainers trained to strengthen remote teaching capabilities. 
3. National Stakeholder Engagement: Implementation of at least one national stakeholder engagement workshop annually to increase coordination and participation in DTC activities. 
4. Expansion of DTC Community Centers: All 200 community centers in remote areas operational and fully equipped. 
5. Local Training Content Development: Development and deployment of 5 new training courses in local languages. 
6. Establishment of Coding Clubs: Establishment and functional operation of 10 local coding clubs. 

Other DTCs: 

1. Expansion to Additional DTCs: At least 10 additional DTCs initiated, focusing on basic and intermediate digital skill training. 
2. Trainer and Teacher Enhancement: Increase in the number of trainers and teachers trained across these DTCs, with a focus on remote teaching capabilities. 
3. Stakeholder Workshops: At least one national stakeholder engagement workshop per DTC per year to foster national coordination and participation. 

DTC Initiative Overall: 

1. Global Network Operational: The initiative launched and operational in most countries, with 80% of DTCs fully implementing activities as planned. 
2. Regional Networks and Training Material: Establishment of regional DTC networks and increased availability of high-quality, targeted training material. 
3. Engagement of New Partners: Engagement with at least 5 new partners to support the initiative, and completion of the evaluation for phase 1, setting the groundwork for the launch of phase 2 with at least 10 new DTCs joining. 

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