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ITU 150

Enhancing the Digital Ecosystem and Digital Skills for the economic empowerment of women in LDCs

Project No 7GLO20106
Title Enhancing the Digital Ecosystem and Digital Skills for the economic empowerment of women in LDCs

This project aims at mainstreaming a gender perspective in domestic policies to ensure that women participate fully in the digital economy and increase the productive capacity of working-age women through economic and professional opportunities by strengthening their digital skills and connecting them with digital and professional markets. It targets to reduce the digital gender gap in identified Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
In each selected country, this project will enable local women to benefit from the digital avenues for development. In close cooperation with the EQUALS Global Partnership, the project will work with key public and private stakeholders to address systemic issues that are preventing women from accessing and use digital technologies and being the drivers of positive change that they can be.
Some of the activities planned under this component include linking working-age women with employment opportunities and other income generation opportunities where digital skills are required; while promoting the inclusion of on-the-job training and leveraging opportunities from EQUALS partners to access microfinance for development using ICTs.
The project will be implemented in collaboration with the relevant ministries in charge of education, ICTs, employment, women and trade, private sector partners, with a countrywide network of institutional and other sector partners of the digital world.

Area of Action Digital Inclusion
Least Developed Countries & SIDS
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 1/7/2020 To 29/9/2023
Beneficiary Countries Burundi, Ethiopia, Haiti
Implementing Agency International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Cooperation Agency Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Financial Scale (CHF) More than 1'000'000
Achievements This part is under preparation.

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