Joint capacity-development activities under the ITU Academy Training Centres Programme Signed on 13/03/2023 between ITU and
To strengthen capacities of policymakers in charge of designing and implementing policies and strategies to lead their countries through the digital transformation, as well as other professionals in the ICT sector requiring knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies. |
Soporte institucional al lnstituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones Signed on 13/03/2023 between ITU and
To strengthen capacities of policymakers in charge of designing and implementing policies and strategies to lead their countries through the digital transformation, as well as other professionals in the ICT sector requiring knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies. |
Joint Capacity-Development Activities under the ITU Academy Training Centres Programme Signed on 12/03/2023 between ITU and
To strengthen capacities of policymakers in charge of designing and implementing policies and strategies to lead their countries through the digital transformation, as well as other professionals in the ICT sector requiring knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies. |
Child Online Protection for the Asia and Pacific: Project deployment in Mongolia Signed on 09/03/2023 between ITU and
To deploy Child Online Protection (COP) in Mongolia, including organizing a COP national workshop with a special focus on addressing child online sexual exploitation and abuse, and localizing COP guidelines. |
Joint Capacity-Development Activities under the ITU Academy Training Centres Programme Signed on 09/03/2023 between ITU and
To strengthen capacities of policymakers in charge of designing and implementing policies and strategies to lead their countries through the digital transformation, as well as other professionals in the ICT sector requiring knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies. |
Joint capacity-development activities under the ITU Academy Training Centres Programme Signed on 09/03/2023 between ITU and
To strengthen capacities of policymakers in charge of designing and implementing policies and strategies to lead their countries through the digital transformation, as well as other professionals in the ICT sector requiring knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies. |