Innovation, entrepreneurship, and capacity building

Signed on 28/04/2023 between ITU and

  • Smart Africa Secretariat

To develop digital innovation ecosystems, digital entrepreneurship and digital innovation in support of digital inclusion.

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Promoting and measuring universal and meaningful connectivity

Signed on 21/04/2023 between ITU and

  • European Commission

To promote and measure meaningful connectivity. Together they designed the project “Promoting and measuring universal and meaningful digital connectivity” that aims to promote Internet services and skills for everyone worldwide over the next three years.

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Joint capacity-development activities under the ITU Academy Training Centres Programme

Signed on 20/04/2023 between ITU and

  • University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg

To strengthen capacities of policymakers in charge of designing and implementing policies and strategies to lead their countries through the digital transformation, as well as other professionals in the ICT sector requiring knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies.

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Joint capacity-development activities under the ITU Academy Centres Programme

Signed on 13/04/2023 between ITU and

  • United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology

To strengthen capacities of policymakers in charge of designing and implementing policies and strategies to lead their countries through the digital transformation, as well as other professionals in the ICT sector requiring knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies.

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Digital transformation and technology innovation

Signed on 03/04/2023 between ITU and

  • United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology

To cooperate on digital transformation and technology innovation.

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Support to Women in Cyber Programme

Signed on 03/04/2023 between ITU and

  • Microsoft Corporation

To help to close the workforce and gender gap in cybersecurity, foster more inclusivity and ultimately to ensure a more secure cyberspace for all.

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