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Event Name
Panel with girls from 6th grade of primary school 3rd Congress on Computing and its applications
Description of the event
International Girls in ICT Day is an initiative hosted by ITU Member States to create a global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women to consider studying and careers in the expanding field. of information and communication technologies. Resolution 70 calls on all ITU Members to celebrate and commemorate the International Day of Girls in ICT on the fourth Thursday of April each year.Cuba joins this celebration promoting the development of information and communication technologies to all sectors of society.The Youth Club in Taguasco, in homage to this celebration from the 25th to the 28th, carried out different activities, including a panel with 6th grade girls from the 3rd Congress on Information Technology and its applications, interacting with the girls and arousing their interest in knowing more about the subject and visit our institutions.
Entity organizing the event, organizers
Jovenclub TaguascoIdalia Hernández GómezAna Iris Ayala Yanta
A panel is held with 6th grade girls from primary school. 3rd Congress on Computing and its applications, interacting with the girls.