Event Information |
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Event Name
Spark the STEM/STEAM in Girls !!!!
Description of the event
Road show with ITU banner to create awareness and advocacy for girls and women in ICT. We Will engage in explosive science experiments, Coding, Robotics, Animation + Game development, 3D Printing, UC Math; Lego Counting, Fun Money, Cuisenaire Rods, Abacus Math, Microsoft Office, Make + Take-Home Projects. Make + Take-Home Projects for age 4- 14WOMEN & GIRLS● DIGITAL SKILLS EDUCATION AND TRAININGo DIGITAL LITERACYo DIGITAL MARKETING SKILLSo CONTENT CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT● TVET EDUCATION AND TRAININGo TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTo TRAINING COLLABORATIONSo RESEARCH DESIGN LAB AND INNOVATION SUPPORT● TECHNICAL PROTOTYPE (3D PRINTING)● GAME DEVELOPMENT● ANIMATION● PROGRAMMING
Entity organizing the event, organizers
The Digital Transformation Hub