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Event Name
Oracle Academy Girls in ICT Day 2022 Japan & Asia Pacific
Open to all countries in Japan and Asia Pacific
Description of the event
Be aware. Be safe.- Girls and women often face discouraging and dangerous obstacles in the digital environment. It is important to identify challenges and propose solutions as well as ideas for lowering barriers to access and improving safety online.- For young women to thrive in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and information and communication technologies/information technology (ICT/IT) fields, they need the knowledge, support, and empowerment of their educational institutions and communities. When girls can safely access and explore the digital world, they can start to imagine future STEM and ICT/IT educational pathways, careers, and futures for themselves.- As Oracle’s global, philanthropic educational program, Oracle Academy advances computing education to increase knowledge, innovation, skills development, and diversity in technology. Together Oracle and Oracle Academy work to advance diversity, inclusion, and equity for women in technology careers. Through annual Girls in ICT events, we help encourage girls’ early interest in computing and related careers.
Entity organizing the event, organizers
Oracle Academy (Oracle’s global, philanthropic educational program)