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Event Name
Hari Terbuka Bersama OKU Wanita Terinspirasi @ CyberSAFE LIVE Gallery(Open Day with Inspired Disabled Female @ CyberSAFE LIVE Gallery)
Description of the event
1. This physical program will take place at CyberSAFE™ L.I.V.E Gallery in CyberSecurity Malaysia.2. Amongst the activities are knowledge sharing session called “Sembang Santai” with an icon of Person with Disabilities (PWD) and a visit to CyberSAFE™ L.I.V.E Galeri (The First Cyber Security Gallery).3. The program will benefit female person with disabilities (PWD) to share their experience in facing challenges in cyber security.4. Audience of the program will consist of Person with Disabilities from Malaysian National Council of Disability, National Midget Association of Malaysia (PKOKM), National Youth Council, and Special Education School.
Entity organizing the event, organizers