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CEED Concordia's IG Live with Seynabou Gueye Ndiaye
Description of the event
CEED Concordia is a big advocate for girls and women in ICT, a value reflected in our flagship Tech Ed program, first launched by CEED in 2017; which aims to bridge the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) gap in Uganda. Since 2021, Tech Ed has trained a total of 24 girls from Gulu in basic coding and Information and Communications Technology skills.To mark the date we will host an IG LIVE with Seynabou Gueye Ndiaye, one of the facilitators of the Tech Ed program. She has studied Mathematics and Computer Science at Concordia University and now works as a Software Engineer at Sama Montreal City Lead, in addition to being part of the Women in AI organization in Montréal. She will talk about the importance of encouraging and inspiring girls and young women to pursue STEM education!Make sure to tune in on April 28th at noon to watch the IG LIVE!
Entity organizing the event, organizers
Ceed Concordia: An organization enabling young people to learn, grow and do good through internships, community projects and events.Since 2006, CEED Concordia has offered Montreal and Ugandan students opportunities to contribute to sustainable community projects in the form of internships, competitions, programs and employment opportunities. Through our initiatives we are working to shape better communities and future leaders for a better tomorrow.The projects our interns work on are mostly linked to environmental sustainability, entrepreneurship, advocacy, technology and media. They allow interns to gain firsthand experience in the international development sector and build valuable skills, such as communication, teamwork and problem-solving know-how, while working in a cross-cultural setting.Furthermore, our projects address a broad range of issues tailored to the needs of the local population we’re serving. For example, in our Tech Ed project in Uganda, interns develop and facilitate practical workshops for high school students that improve their basic technical skills in Excel, Word, coding and more. With a young population and a growing need for technological skills, Uganda is well positioned for such a program as it helps teenagers build their capacity to transform themselves and, in turn, their country. For more information on our projects, head to the programs tab of the website.