Event Information Photos
Event Name
1. Empowering African Girls for Active Involvement in the Digital Transformation. (Webinar)2. E-Mentoring session for African Girls . (Virtual event)
Date of the event
Nairobi and Accra
Description of the event
This event is jointly organized by the Africa Telecommunications Union (ATU) and Child Online Africa (COA) to promote STEM Education in Africa. The focus on the webinar will be to bring key stakeholders together to share insights and strategies on how learning institutions and caregivers can encourage and promote girls and young women to pursue STEM education.Among the key stakeholders to be invited will be learning institutions keen on promotingSTEM education. They will be invited to share their good practices that other learninginstitutions in Africa can replicate. Girls and young women will also be invited to share their experiences and motivations to pursue STEM education. Additionally, caregivers such as parents will be asked to talk about their role in encouraging girls and young women to pursue STEM education.Considering the upcoming Summit of the future, these discussions will also take into consideration what Africa could do in anticipation of a likely future health or other emergencies that may occur in order not to stall teaching and learning as had been the case during the pandemic.
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Entity organizing the event, organizers
Child Online Africa (COA)Africa Telecommunications Union (ATU)Event 1 takes place on the 25th of April while event 2 will be on the 28th of April respectively.