1.The girls of our college belonging to ICT Department, will visit theneighboring school and present PPT demonstration, highlighting the avenues andsectors that can be achieved by girls who will pursue ICT in the near future. 2.We will organize seminars on the potentials in ICT that girls can achieve intheir professions conducted by experts in the related field. 3.ICT Innovative model exhibition: An overview of project. 4. a)A debate competition is proposed to be organized. The motion of the house wouldbe; ICT is the best & self-field for the girls. b)Another motion of the house would be; "There is gender imbalance in theICT sector because it does not suit the girls at all" 5.A cultural meet with the theme song "oh girls, ICT calls you for a newsunrise come and join us to be really wise..." in presence of a fewdistinguished ladies as Guest of Honors.