Ahmed Said is the International Policies Executive Director of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) of Egypt. At present, he is carrying out all the International policies related issues in the telecom sector and handling the international communication channels and international representation for NTRA. Mr. Said Department is also responsible for transferring the International best practices on the major telecom issues that are carried out by NTRA.
Mr. Said received his Master of Science in Business Information Technology from University of Middlesex in London, in the year 2001 and he obtained his Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting, from Cairo University in the year 1999.
Mr. Said started his career in Mobinil (First mobile network operator in Egypt), followed by TheWayOut (Regional ISP head quartered in Egypt) whereby he reached the position of the business development manager. In 2002 Mr. Said moved to General Dynamics (U.S. based Corporation) as eGovernment and eBusiness Consultant. In 2004 Mr. Said moved back to TheWayOut as the Head of WayOut Wireless (A Subsidy of TheWayOut Group) whereby he has managed to expand the business of the company in the Middle East region opening 5 new offices in Dubai, Bahrain, Jordan, Oman and Yemen. In 2007 Mr. Said joined the National telecom regulatory authority as the economic affairs director. Throughout his career at NTRA he gained extensive experience in the field of telecommunications regulations, cost modeling, regulatory economics and Market analysis.
Mr. Said was also a member of the implementation team responsible for the development of major regulatory frameworks in the Egyptian telecom market including Access Framework, International Gateway Frameworks and Egypt's national broadband plan and recently the 4G license framework.
Mr. Said has represented the Egyptian administration in several conferences & venues including the WTO, GSR, ITU Telecom indicators, WTSA12, PP14, WTSA16 and PP18…etc
Mr. Said is currently the Vice Chairman of ITU-T SG3 where he is leading the work on many topics like OTT, Mobile Financial services and Alternative calling procedures this is beside his active role in leading the restructuring process of ITU-T SG3 whereby he succeeded in adding more questions and expanding the area of study in the SG3. Also Mr. Said was appointed as the Chariman of ITU-T SG3 RG ARB where he lead the Arab member states in starting this regional group and expanded the activities to study a lot of topic that interests the Arab region and positioned the group as an active regional group within SG3. Recently Mr. Said has been also appointed as a Vice chair for the Focus Group on Digital Fiat Currency, leading the regulatory and economic impact working group.
Since His nomination as a Vice chair in ITU-T SG3, Mr. Said lead the group restructuring exercise and through his effort as a lead for the rapporteur group for restructure he succeeded reaching consensus on the current new structure of ITU-T SG3. Mr. Said also lead the work on OTTs and chaired the rapporteur group of OTTS engaging the OTT companies within the ITU-T for the first time and getting an approval on the new recommendation on OTT d.262.
Mr. Said has also lead the very challenging rapporteur group of mobile financial services where he succeeded in reaching consensus on approval of the new recommendation D.263 on Mobile financial services. Mr. Said experience in the field of financial inclusion and digital financial services were utilized through his work in the Focus group on Digital financial services and Digital Fiat currency and finally in the FIGI initiative where he leads the Egyptian Country implementation team in Coordination with the ITU.