Arseny Plossky graduated from the Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics in 2009 as economist-manager in telecommunications. Completed post-graduate studies in the same university in the field of spectrum management. From 2007 year he is working Radio Research & Development Institute (NIIR) of the Russian Federation on the various fields of telecommunications/ICTs, including economic, regulatory, statistical and technical aspects. Actively participate in providing scientific, technical and methodological basis for the international legal protection of national interests in the field of telecommunications and radiocommunications, including PP, WTDC, TDAG, ITU-R (SG 1), ITU-T (SG 3), ITU-D (SG 1 and 2) and APEC TEL. He led the development of some ITU-R and ITU-T deliverables (Report ITU-R SM.2404-0 Regulatory tools to support enhanced shared use of the spectrum, Report ITU-R SM.2353-0 The challenges and opportunities for spectrum management resulting from the transition to digital terrestrial television in the UHF bands, Recommendation ITU-T D.264 Shared uses of telecommunication infrastructure as possible methods for enhancing the efficiency of telecommunications). Currently he is chairman of ICT Development subgroup of APEC TEL, Vice-Chairman of TDAG, Rapporteur on ITU-D SG 1 Question 4/1 Economic policies and methods of determining the costs of services related to national telecommunication/ICT networks, including next-generation networks and Vice-Rapporteur on ITU-D SG 1 Question 3/1 Access to cloud computing: challenges and opportunities for developing countries. He wrote more than 30 scientific articles mostly in the field of economic aspects of spectrum management and prepared drafts of more than 60 contributions for the work of abovementioned formats.