Klaus Höckner, born 1966 in Austria, married (2 daughters), is member of the board of the Austrian Association Supporting the Blind and Visually Impaired (Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs) based in Vienna. Having more than 4500 members, the Hilfsgemeinschaft is the leading organisation representing and helping visually impaired persons in Austria. He is also member of the board of the Austrian Disabilty Forum - an umbrella organisation for Austrian organisations working in the field of Disablilty - and vice president of the Austrian Computer Society. He organises within the framework of the organisation Accessible Media every year the A-Day, an event where more than 350 persons of the german-speaking community, working with Accessibility meet together. He is also member in the International Association of Accessibilty Professionals (IAAP) and is Certified Web Accessiblity Expert (CWAE), a certificate issued in Austria by Incite. He is member of the organising board of the m-enabeling Europe Conference, the nomination committee of the ICCHP and member of the AAATE and sitting in various working groups in standardisation bodies, like the ISO TC 35/42 and the Joint Working Group of CEN/CENELEC/ETSI on eAccessiblity. Since 2018 he is member of the High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence at the European Commission. Klaus has an ICT background. He studies at the University of Economics in Vienna and has a a degree in WebAccessiblity and Fundraising. He started his work career as a IT-trainer, also working in jobs, related to ICT. Klaus is working for more than 15 years in the field of Accessiblity, especially regarding to ICT and standardisation and is member of various working groups as well as participating in many conferences and projects in this context on an european (i.e. in the European Disability Forum EDF) and inter/national level.