B.Sc., MBA, MBCS, Post.Grad. Cert GIS, CITP, EOHSJ
Chairperson – FITA (Foundation for IT Accessibility) and
Project Manager – MITA (Malta Information Technology Agency)
Elizabeth has been in the IT field since 1984, initially joining the Malta Government Computer Centre. During her tenure there she formed part of various teams in delivering business driven technology solutions to Government. She later moved on to join MITA. Throughout her ICT career she has worked in several areas – from developer, through team leading, IT consultant, data architect, and project management. MITA is also the founding member of FITA and therefore the Chairperson for FITA is nominated from within the Agency. With over 25 years of experience in dealing with Government systems and IT, and through her work in her personal life with several voluntary and philanthropic organisations, Ms Olivieri was designated the added responsibility as Chairperson for FITA. Ms Olivieri has been Chairperson for FITA for the last 5 years and together with her team, she oversees the vision, strategy and operations of FITA.