Mr Antony Chigaazira
Executive Secretary

In most professional circles he is known simply as Tony. Currently he is the Executive Secretary of the Communications Regulators Association of Southern Africa (CRASA), based in Gaborone Botswana. Among several other things, CRASA is responsible for development of model regulatory frameworks for telecommunications and tools to facilitate their implementation by Regulators in Member States. CRASA also harmonises regulations and spectrum allocation plans as well as builds regulatory capacity in the Southern African region’s communications sector.

Previously, Tony was the Commercial Director for TelOne, the incumbent telecommunication operator in Zimbabwe. His most exciting and challenging professional achievement to date is that he crafted and implemented the commercial strategy that steered TelOne through the worst economic crisis recorded in peaceful times.

His dream is to see the digital divide in the SADC Region fully bridged. He has worked tirelessly to ensure the continued growth of the sector and improvement of the ICT business environment in the Region. Ultimately he hopes to see the thirst for robust connectivity in SADC citizens eloquently quenched.