Ms Jayne Stancavage
Global Executive Director of Communications Policy
Intel Corp.

Jayne Stancavage is the Global Executive Director of Communications Policy for Intel Corporation, leading Intel’s communication policy efforts globally including the ITU. Jayne joined Intel in 2000, focusing on communications policy. In addition to her policy work, she has also worked within Intel business units where she coordinated Intel’s internal efforts to embed Wi-Fi capabilities into notebook computer platforms.

Jayne served multiple terms on the Wi-Fi Alliance Board of Directors. She has also been a voting member of the IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulations Technical Advisory Group, the Wi-Fi Alliance Regulatory Committee and Chair of the WiMAX Forum Regulatory Working Group.

Jayne plays an active role in 5G policy efforts at ITU and Global Mobile Suppliers Association (GSA). Within the ITU-R, Jayne currently chairs the sub-working group addressing 26 GHz as part of WRC-19 agenda item 1.13 for IMT-2020 (5G) as well as the sub-working group developing draft CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 9.1/issue 9.1.8 on Machine Type Communications/Internet of Things. In addition, she chairs the US FCC’s WRC-19 Advisory Committee group for terrestrial services. She also serves as Vice Chair for the Americas (CITEL) Region in GSA.

Jayne received both her bachelor's and master's degrees in Political Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.