Oscar Martín González is a Lawyer. He studied Law at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, and completed a Master of Laws degree at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Since February 2016, he has been Undersecretary of Regulation in the Secretariat of Information and Communications Technologies, Ministry of Modernization. He is responsible for the formulation of proposals and projects related to ICT, telecommunications, radiocommunications and satellite services regulation.
Previously, he served as member of the Board of Directors of Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales S.A. - ARSAT, participating in the design and implementation of the ARSAT satellite system and the Argentine satellite policy.
He has extensive experience in the field of radiocommunications and satellite services, working both in the private and the public sectors, including the Bid of spectrum for mobile services, the Bid of orbital slots of the national satellite system Nahuel in Argentina and the development of regulatory frameworks and licensing of NGSO fixed and mobile services and high alttitude platforms (HAPS).
At the international level, he has participated since 1994 in various forums, meetings and international, regional and sub-regional conferences, including the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, Assembly of the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (CITEL), Communications Working Group of MERCOSUR, ITU World Radiocommunications Conference, World Telecommunications Development Conference (WTDC) and ITU Council, among others.
He chaired the ITU World Telecommunications Development Conference 2017 (WTDC-17), held in October 2017, in Buenos Aires (Argentina).