Mr Graham Butler
Bitek Global Limited

Founder and Chairman of Bitek, Graham Butler has over 35 years of international experience in telecommunications services and product development. Recognised as a pioneer in internet voice services (Voice Over Internet Protocol), he was formerly a Co-founder and Executive Vice President of Cascadent Communications which developed one of the world’s first international business to business VoIP networks backed by Cisco and HP. Prior to this, Graham was a Senior Director of Deutsche Telekom, AG where he was responsible for the implementation and rollout of the world’s first international VoIP calling card service.

VoIP has offered consumers access to a wide range of new converged services that create distinct advantages over traditional landline telephony (PSTN). As VoIP and related P2P (Peer to Peer) services started to proliferate, Graham recognised that the model for international telecommunications would be transformed. Understanding the financial and security challenges that an emerging VoIP market would present, he pioneered Bitek’s Guardian System, which is able to monitor, analyze and intelligently control VoIP traffic across national IP networks. Bitek’s solutions produce tangible benefits for regulators and government agencies, including revenue recovery and generation of revenue streams, tax collection, operational efficiencies, enhanced national security, and intelligence support for law enforcement agencies.

Mr. Butler is part of an exclusive network of the world’s leading cybersecurity experts led by Judge Stein Schjolberg, author of the “Global Treaty on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime - a global initiative for Peace and Security in Cyberspace.” Graham served as a member of the High Level Experts Group for the ITU (United Nations) Cybersecurity Agenda and is now a member of the Working Group on Cybercrime for the EastWest Institute (EWI). Graham is now recognised by many governments and international organizations as a leading authority on VoIP regulation, traffic management and network security. He advises internationally on ways to protect IP infrastructure, reduce fraud and cybercrime, and create long-term sustainable revenue growth within a rapidly migrating telecommunications market. His philosophy is to encourage the responsible growth of VoIP services so that consumers can enjoy the wide range of benefits without compromising the national interests of governments, Telecoms regulators (NRAs) and law enforcement agencies (LEAs).