Mr. Stephen Bereaux is the Chief Executive Officer of the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), a position he assumed on 1 March 2017. As URCA’s CEO, Mr. Bereaux is an Executive Member of URCA’s governing Board, and leads the organisation which is responsible for the regulation of the Bahamas’ Electronic Communications Sector (since 1 September 2009) and the Electricity Sector (since 31 December 2016), and for advising the Government on policies relating to those sectors.
Prior to his current position, having first joined URCA in 2010 as a Senior Case Officer, Mr. Bereaux served as URCA’s Director of Policy and Regulation (17 July 2012 to 31 January 2016) and Director of Electronic Communications from 1 February 2016 until his appointment as CEO.
Prior to joining URCA, Mr. Bereaux was the Senior Manager, Legal and Regulatory Affairs at the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT), from December 2004 to August 2010. His responsibilities at TATT included management of authorisation process for telecommunications and broadcasting providers in Trinidad and Tobago, providing legal advice and expertise to TATT, and enforcement of the provisions of the Telecommunications Act and TATT’s regulatory framework. He also served as that Regulator’s Corporate Secretary.
Before becoming a Regulator in 2004, Mr. Bereaux, an Attorney by profession since 1996, practiced law at multinational firms based in London and Hong Kong, specialising in Information Technology and Telecommunications Law.