26-27 February 2004, Geneva (Switzerland), ITU -
on Internet Governance
The overall objective of the workshop was to contribute to the ITU process that will prepare its inputs and position vis-�-vis the United Nations
Working Group on Internet Governance
(WGIG), resulting from the Declaration of Principles, adopted on 12 December 2003, at the first phase of
7-9 July 2004,
Geneva (Switzerland), ITU - WSIS Thematic Meeting on Countering Spam
The meeting took place from 7 to 9 July 2004 in Geneva. Participants, representing more than 60 economies, as well as civil society and private sector, recognized that spam has become a major concern, in particular considering recent developments such as ‘phising’and other fraudulent activities, which are threatening public confidence in e-mail and the Internet as a whole. The Chairman’s report stressing the need for improved international cooperation in the field, underlines the role of the ITU, which was called upon to continue its activities in this field, improving exchange of best practices between developed and developing countries, creating harmonized legal frameworks and cooperating with other international organizations working in the field.
28-29 October 2004 , Minsk (Republic of Belarus), Government of the Republic of Belarus/UNESCO/ UN/UNDP Office in the Republic of Belarus
Technologies and Law” (Legal Informatization – 2004)
The purpose of this 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference
was: to organize a wide exchange of opinions on issues of application of modern information (computer) technologies in legal sphere, on the creation of information and legal space and on the guaranties for equal access to legal information; to prepare proposals and recommendation on development and improvement of legal information systems, intensification of the processes of legal informatization and interstate legal information exchange. The proposals will be submitted to the preparatory process of the Tunis phase of
10 November 2004, Berlin (Germany), CODATA (ICSU) – WSIS
In March 2003, ICSU, CODATA and UNESCO organized an international meeting of scientists in Paris to define the key messages that should be conveyed to the first phase of WSIS (Geneva, December, 2003). The outcome was an agenda for action - "Science in the Information Society". The WSIS session of CODATA 2004 will discuss, among other, the role of the international science community in implementing its agenda for action prior to the second phase of the Summit in Tunis in November 2005.
25-28 November 2004, Baku (Azerbaijan), Government of Azerbaijan/World Summit Award/UNDP – Global
ICT Conference 2004
The Government of Republic of Azerbaijan, represented by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies and the World Summit Award (WSA), jointly organized
this Conference. The initiative was held under the honorary patronage of the President of Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E. Ilham Aliyev, who
was personally present at the opening ceremony. With the theme "Digital Divide and Knowledge Economy: Problems and Solutions", the Conference
showcased the world's best practice in quality e-Content in the framework of the World Summit Award Exhibition and placed a special emphasis on value added and demonstrating the concrete benefits of quality e-Content to the ICT industry and the general public.
17-19 January 2005,
Antigua (Guatemala), ILO/ITC/OECD/UNCTAD - Economic and Social Implications of
This event speaks to the Geneva Plan of Action, which requests all stakeholders to encourage the use of ICTs by SMEs to foster innovation, realize gains in productivity, reduce transaction costs and fight poverty. The meeting will allow governments, the private sector, workers and civil society to examine policies and practices that permit enterprises to employ ICTs as effective productivity enhancing tools, and do so in a socially responsible manner. The outcome of the meeting will provide practical suggestions that can help countries to utilise ICTs for effective poverty eradication through the growth of economically sustainable enterprises and the quality employment they generate. This will permit policy makers to integrate ICTs into the broader MDG agenda. The conclusions will be submitted as an input for the text to be considered at the WSIS PrepCom2. The meeting will be hosted by the Government of Guatemala and sponsored by IDRC and the Government of France.
21 January
2005, Kobe (Japan), WMO - ICT Applications in Natural Disaster
At the occasion of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction (18-22 January 2005, Kobe, Japan), the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) organizes a WSIS thematic meeting on ICT Applications in Natural Disaster Reduction on 21 January 2005 as part of
a workshop on Reducing the Risks of Weather, Climate and Water related Hazards through Advanced Detection, Monitoring, Early warning systems and Opportunities of Information Society.
3-4 February 2005, Paris (France), UNESCO - International Conference on Freedom of Expression in
In preparation for the second WSIS Summit, Tunis 16-18 November 2005, UNESCO is
organizing a thematic meeting on freedom of expression in Cyberspace prior to the PrepCom-2 in Geneva. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the challenges and opportunities this fundamental right encounters in the global network. The conference is one of the UNESCO actions to advance the process of the WSIS in terms of the promotion of freedom of expression and the universal access to information, two closely interconnected principles that form the point of departure of this conference.
7-9 February 2005, Geneva
(Switzerland), UNCTAD/OECD/ITU/UIS/UN Regional Commissions/UN ICT Task Force/World
Bank - Measuring the Information
Organized under the umbrella of the "Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development", the main goal of this global meeting is to consolidate the outcomes of regional workshops on information society indicators that were held in the 4th quarter of 2004, and agree on a final list of core ICT indicators to be collected by all countries, including on basic access and usage by households and individuals, businesses and schools. It will also discuss developing country technical assistance needs as regards the compilation of ICT indicators, identify ICT indicators relevant to achieving the
MDGs, and present ongoing work concerning the creation and maintenance of an international database on ICT indicators. The outcome of the meeting will provide concrete suggestions on how to measure information society developments, as an input to the second phase of WSIS and its
14 - 18 March 2005, Ottawa (Canada), Government of Canada and UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - Indigenous Peoples in the Information Society: Delivering on the Plan of
In order to prepare a thematic meeting on the planning of an indigenous event at Phase II of
WSIS, the Aboriginal Canada Portal (www.aboriginalcanada.gc.ca) has sent out a
call letter. Plans are being developed between the Government of Canada and Canadian National Aboriginal Organizations (through the Aboriginal Canada Portal Working Group –
ACPWG), other states and Indigenous organizations and the Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues to begin planning for Phase II WSIS Tunisia 2005. The meeting will focus on reviewing implementation of WSIS Plan of Action and on planning the Indigenous theme at Phase II of WSIS in Tunisia.
6-7 May 2005, Bamako (Mali), UNESCO - Multilingualism for Cultural Diversity and Participation of All in Cyberspace
UNESCO, in partnership with the Acad�mie Africaine des Langues (ACALAN), the
Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie (AIF) and the Government of Mali and other international institutions, is organizing a thematic meeting on “Multilingualism for Cultural Diversity and Participation of All in Cyberspace” in Bamako, Mali, on 6 and 7 May 2005. The meeting will build on the WSIS recognition of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity in the digital world and highlight the fundamental importance of removing barriers to access and participation of all on the Internet. The discussions will focus on multilingualism from two perspectives: Policies and standards needed to ensure inclusive knowledge societies; and global experiences in building a multilingual cyberspace.
11-13 May 2005, Paris (France), UNESCO and the Club of Rome - World Conference on ICT for Capacity-Building: Critical Success
In preparation for the second phase of WSIS (Tunis, 16-18 November 2005), UNESCO and the Club of Rome are organizing a World Conference on "ICT for Capacity Building: Critical Success Factors" from 11 to 13 May at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The purpose of the Conference is to discuss the use of ICT, including satellites, for capacity-building, and its key strategic role for achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals and for building knowledge societies. It gives particular attention to the special needs of marginalized groups in areas that are unreached by the traditional education systems but could be given access to new forms of education delivery through satellite technologies. The Conference will use the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) of the World Bank Institute providing a unique opportunity of worldwide broadcasting.
16-17 May
2005, Tokyo (Japan), Government of Japan/ITU/UNU - Tokyo Ubiquitous Network
The Geneva Summit documents highlight the importance of helping countries overcome the digital divide; developing the information and communication infrastructure that will enable universal, sustainable, ubiquitous and affordable access to ICTs by all; and allowing people, anywhere in the world, to access information and knowledge.
As a concept for facilitating the implementation of the common vision, “Ubiquitous Network Society” which will enable connection anytime, anywhere, anything and anyone is now spreading. To specify the steps towards realizing this concept, the Japanese government is jointly hosting with ITU and UN University the WSIS thematic meeting on “Ubiquitous Network Society”.
17-19 May 2005, St.
Petersburg (Russia), UNESCO - Cultural Diversity in Knowledge Societies
UNESCO’s three-day expert meeting on "Cultural Diversity in Knowledge Societies" takes place in the framework of the conference "UNESCO between the two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society" organized by the Russian authorities. The purpose of the meeting is to measure sustainability of cultural diversity through the opportunities offered by ICT for future knowledge societies, particularly as regards to new intercultural connections and networking, new opportunities to make old and new knowledge available, new opportunities to creativity and new access to cultural contents and services produced worldwide.
1-15 June 2005, online, WIPO - Online
forum on Intellectual Property in the Information Society
The WIPO Online Forum is designed to enable and encourage an open debate on issues related to intellectual property in the information society, and in light of the goals of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). This presents a unique opportunity for all to engage and shape the emerging debate on the value of intellectual property in our day.
The Forum will be open to participation by all interested persons – you are invited to join in online discussions over a period of two weeks from June 1, 2005. It is hoped that the Online Forum will further inform the discussions taking place during the second phase of WSIS. The conclusions of the Online Forum will form part of WIPO’s contribution to the Tunis Summit.
2-3 June 2005, Vienna (Austria), Government
of Austria/World Summit Award (WSA) - World
Summit Contributory Conference on ICT and Creativity
The UN WSIS Contributory Conference in Vienna, organized by the Austrian Federal Government, puts its focus on creativity in the use of new
technologies and how giving creativity more importance shall demonstrate the outstanding human capacity of people in all economic regions of the world.
The aim of the conference is to produce a positive statement, the Vienna Declaration, for bridging the Digital Divide and Content Gap. This document
shall be presented by the representative of the Republic of Austria at the 2nd phase of the WSIS in Tunis. More than 200 experts from governments, business, civil society and research
from over 20 countries are expected to share their insights and discuss the draft of the Vienna Declaration.
7-10 June 2005 (see follow-up meetings of the
conference "Measuring the Information Society")
20-21 June 2005, Geneva (Switzerland), UNECE/ECA/ECLAC/ESCAP/ESCWA
- Forum on
Paperless Trade in International Supply Chains: Enhancing Efficiency and
The aim of the Forum on “Paperless Trade in International Supply Chains: Enhancing Efficiency and Security” is to promote the use of ICT for information exchange in international trade, and to help countries, especially developing and transition countries, to access advanced internatinal supply chains based on globally accepted standards and technologies. The Forum's outcome will constitute a roadmap for the implementation of paperless trade and be submitted as an input to the Tunis phase of
21-22 June 2005, Berlin (Germany), Government of Germany
- International Policy Dialogue: “Mainstreaming ICT for Development: the Key Role of the Private Sector”
The meeting will contribute to the second phase of WSIS in Tunis by stressing the growing importance of mainstreaming ICT for Development and the crucial role of the private sector to tap the full potential of information and communications technologies.
The aim of the conference is to provide a significant input to the global ICT for Development debate, facilitating the identification of those best practices comprising a road map towards
favorable conditions for mainstreaming ICT for Development efforts. Within this context, the conference will focus on two main issues: the policy framework for private sector investment on the one hand and the relevance of ICTs in achieving the ambitious goals set by the international community in the Millennium Declaration on the other.
23-24 June 2005, Seoul (Korea), Government of Republic of Korea
(MIC/KADO)/ITU - Thematic Meeting on Multi-stakeholder partnerships for Bridging the Digital Divide
The Geneva Declaration of Principles (paragraph 17) recognizes that the
ambitious goal of bridging the digital divide will require strong commitment
by all stakeholders (digital solidarity) at both national and international
levels. This Thematic Meeting examines how governments, the private sector,
civil society and international organizations can work together to help to
bridge the digital divide. Separate sessions will examine the need for a
multi-stakeholder approach, country case studies of successful partnerships,
measuring the digital divide, technologies for helping to bridge the gap and
other ways of overcoming barriers.
28 June- 1 July
2005, Geneva
(Switzerland), ITU - WSIS Thematic Meeting on
At the start of the 21st millennium, our societies are increasingly dependent on information and communications technologies (ICTs) that span the globe. The
ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on Cybersecurity will take place June 28 – July 1 2005 at ITU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. This conference will examine the recommendations in the World Summit on the Information Society first phase’s Plan of Action that relate to building confidence and security in the use of ICTs and the promotion of a global culture of cybersecurity. The meeting will specifically consider six broad themes in promoting international cooperative measures among governments, the private sector and other stakeholders, including information sharing of national approaches, good practices and guidelines; developing watch, warning and incident response capabilities; harmonizing national legal approaches and international legal coordination; technical standards; privacy, data and consumer protection; and providing assistance to developing economies. The first day of the meeting will focus on countering spam as follow-up to the ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on Countering Spam held in July 2004.
2-5 November
2004, San Paulo (Brazil), Brazilian Chamber of Commerce/ITC - Latin-American
e-Business Forum Empowering SME Exporters through ICTs
This event aims to provide an open partnership platform on e-business
development for SMEs, regulators, opinion leaders and representatives of
large ICT companies and civil society of Latin America.
16-18 November 2004, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Government of the Kyrgyz Republic/UNECE/UNESCAP/UNDP/UN ICT Task Force -
Bishkek Conference on Information Society and Regional Cooperation in
Information and Communication Technologies for Development
The Conference provided one of the regional forums for discussing
the draft Regional Action Plan Towards an Information Society in Asia
and the Pacific prepared by the UNESCAP secretariat. The main goal of
the Conference was to promote the development and application of
information and communication technologies (ICT) in Central Asia with a
view to enhancing its support to the economic and social development
in the sub-region, and to identify opportunities for strengthening
national actions as well as regional and international cooperation
in support of progress towards knowledge-based economy and information
society in the Central Asian countries.
22-24 November 2004, Marrakech (Morocco), Government of Morocco/Orbicom - Role
and Place of Media in the Information Society in Africa and the Arab States
The purpose of the conference in Marrakech is to evaluate the outcome of the Geneva phase of the WSIS from a media viewpoint, and to examine prospects for the Tunis phase. The
participants will examine the recommendations in the WSIS Plan of Action that relate specifically to the media, and consider the practical details of their implementation, particularly for Africa and the Arab States. They will also elaborate a media position on Internet governance for transmission to the
28 February 2005, Bangkok (Thailand), Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT)/ITU - "Role of ICT for Disaster
The purpose of the meeting is to exchange views on the roles of ICT for emergency situations and provisions for disasters, to share information on infrastructure and technology for quick communication such as early warning systems and wireless systems for disaster prevention, in order to enhance regional collaboration on provision for disasters.
9-11 May 2005, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD)/Arab States Broadcasting Union
(ASBU)/Southern African Broadcasting Association (SABA) - Asia
Media Summit
The purpose of the second Asia Media Summit, AMS2005, is to engage the broadcasters from Asia, Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa, North America and the Arab World in dialogue to foster understanding, tolerance and co-operation. At AMS2005, “The 1st Arab-Asia Media Dialogue” and “The 1st Afro-Asia - Pacific Media
Dialogue” will be organized. This year’s Asia Media Summit will provide an opportunity for broadcasters to share their thoughts on Information Society with a view to submitting their recommendations to the WSIS in Tunis.
24-25 June
2005, Seoul (Korea), Asian Pacific Women's Information Network Center
(APWINC)/Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity and Promotion (KADO)/ITU -
Forum on ICTs and Gender for WSIS 2005
Following the Forum "ICT and Gender: Optimizing Opportunities" held on 23 August 2003 in Malaysia, the Forum on ICT & Gender for WSIS2005 (WSIS2005 Forum) will focus mainly on e-Governance and the Digital Solidarity Fund from the gender perspectives of International Agencies, NGOs and Academia. In addition, a session will examine how well WSIS2003 issues have been implemented. The WSIS2005 Forum will be held in conjunction with the Women's World 2005 (WW05) in Seoul, Korea. In this way the issues studied at the Gender & ICT session at WW05 will be reviewed and included in all the discussions at the WSIS2005 Forum. The WSIS2005 Forum will call upon government representatives to WSIS to take into account its recommendations in formulating the Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action for WSIS 2005 and beyond.
30 June- 1 July
2005, Thessaloniki (Greece), Government of Greece -
Thematic meeting on The
Impact of ICTs on Democracy Development
As part of the South-Eastern Europe Ministerial Conference in
Thessaloniki, Greece, the objective of this thematic meeting will be to explore the role of ICTs regarding recent political developments in different countries and the challenges they pose on democratic institutions and to everyday practices of voting, representig and complying by citizens.