Logo SMSI Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'information
Nations Unies (ONU)  l'Union internationale des t�l�communications  





 Table ronde de visionnaires: 17 f�vrier 2003, 15:00-18:00

Visionaries spoke about the Future of the Information Society. With the presence of:


Mr. Yoshio UTSUMI, Secretary-General, ITU


Ms. Maria CATTAUI, Secretary-General, International Chamber of Commerce


H.E. Ma�tre Abdoulaye WADE, President of the Republic of Senegal

H.E. Mr. Ion ILIESCU, President of Romania

Professor Lawrence LESSIG, Stanford Law School, USA

Mr. Jacques ATTALI, Writer and Chairman, PlaNet Finance


Webcasting archives (audio and video)


Highlights 17 February 2003


information de base | premi�re phase: Gen�ve | deuxi�me phase: Tunis | inventaire | salle de presse | liens

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