According to the Rules of
Procedures for the preparatory process, entities having received a standing
invitation from the UN General Assembly to participate in the capacity of
observers in the session and work of all international conferences convened
under its auspices, UN specialized agencies, representatives of UN agencies and
associate members of regional commissions may participate as observers, without
the right to vote, in the deliberations of the Preparatory Committee. No
accreditation or invitation is required.
Other international organizations may participate by invitation. No accreditation is
required. In order to
receive an invitation, international organizations other than the ones
mentioned above may write to the Executive Director, WSIS Executive
Secretariat, c/o ITU, Place des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland or
send a fax to +41 22 730 63 93 and announce their interest to participate in
the PrepCom and the Summit. Once invited, the invitation is valid for the whole preparatory
process and the Summit events (Geneva and Tunis).
Nevertheless, registration is required
for each meeting.