for Private Sector
Business entities interested
in participating in the preparatory process and in the
Summit in their own name must be accredited.
ITU Sector members are automatically accredited. At the beginning of each PrepCom, the Preparatory Committee will decide on the
requests for accreditation. Accreditation is a continuous process. A business
entity that has been granted accreditation to attend a session of the
Preparatory Committee meeting may attend all subsequent preparatory sessions,
as well as the Summit (Geneva and Tunis), unless the PrepCom or the Summit decides otherwise
(some restrictions may apply for the Summit with regard to the number of
delegates being able to participate in the Plenary and the Subcommittees).
Any business entity that asks for
accreditation must submit the information in accordance with the Arrangements
for accreditation adopted at the first meeting of the Preparatory
Committee (1-5 July 2002).
Registration is necessary for
each PrepCom and for the Summit events. Only accredited business entities and
sector members of ITU can register.
Participation through ICC/CCBI
In order to facilitate the
participation of business entities in the preparatory process and the Summit,
the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Paris, has created a Coordinating
Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI). Business entities wishing to join
this group do not need to get accreditation in their own name, but can
participate under the nameplate of ICC/CCBI. More information on this method of
participation can be found on ICC-World
Business Organization website.
CBBI Memo: What is the Coordinating Committee of Business
You may contact Ms. May Zanni at the
38, Cours Albert 1er
75008 - Paris, France
Fax: +33 1 49 53 28 59
and registration are free of cost, but participants are responsible for their
own hotel and airfare reservation and cost.
Business entities interested in making
financial or in-kind contributions to support the WSIS preparatory process and Summit are invited to contact the WSIS Executive Secretariat at