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 GFC - Preparation of PrepCom-3

In accordance with the Decision of PrepCom 2, the Group of Friends of the Chair (GFC) will continue to draft proposals for chapters one (Implementation Mechanism) and four (The Way Ahead) of the Operational Part.

GFC meetings in preparation for PrepCom-3:

Fifth meeting*, Geneva, Switzerland
27 June 2005
Sixth meeting*, Geneva, Switzerland
11 July 2005
Seventh meeting, Geneva, Switzerland
5 September p.m. 2005*
6 September a.m. 2005 (Special Session)**
Eighth meeting*, Geneva, Switzerland
7 September a.m. 2005

*Meeting open only to representatives from GFC Members and observers from governments.

** Special session: meeting open also to observers from International Organizations, ITU sector members, and WSIS-accredited NGOs, civil society and business sector entities.



go Eighth Meeting of the GFC: 7 September 2005, Geneva, Switzerland

go Seventh Meeting of the GFC: 5-6 September 2005, Geneva, Switzerland


Note: Interpretation for these meetings will be available in English and French.

  • Input Document from Ambassador Janis Karklins, President of PrepCom of the Tunis Phase of the WSIS, posted on 16 August 2005 for discussion at the 7th GFC Meeting. This new input contains proposals to replace paragraphs 10, 11, 29 and Annex as well as a summary of new proposals received from governments and other stakeholders.

go Sixth Meeting of the GFC: 11 July 2005, Geneva, Switzerland

Following discussion of the input document, it was agreed that a draft text on paragraphs 10, 11, and 27 of the Operational Document would be posted online for comments by end July 2005. A further open session of the Group of Friends will be held in early September

  • Input Document of Ambassador Janis Karklins, President of PrepCom of the Tunis Phase of the WSIS, for discussion at the 6th GFC Meeting.

go Fifth Meeting of the GFC: 27 June 2005, Geneva, Switzerland

  • Paper "Food for thought" of Ambassador Janis Karklins, President of PrepCom of the Tunis Phase of the WSIS, for discussion at the Informal consultation meeting that took place in Geneva (Switzerland) on 13 June 2005.
  • Compilation of Comments on chapters One and Four received at PrepCom-2 [WSIS-II/PC-2/DT-2(Rev. 3)] , [WSIS-II/PC-2/DT-3(Rev. 2)], and [WSIS-II/PC-2/DT-5]
  • Compilation of Comments on chapters One and Four received after PrepCom-2  [WSIS-II/PC-2/DT-6(Rev. 1)]
  • Original versions of chapters one and four are contained in the Report on the Work of the GFC for PrepCom-2


 GFC - Preparation of PrepCom-2

Prepcom 1
decided that "a group of friends of the President of the PrepCom of the Tunis Phase, with the assistance of the WSIS Executive Secretariat and in consultation with regional groups, will prepare a document to serve as a basis for negotiations in PrepCom-2, taking into account, as appropriate, the outcomes of relevant thematic, regional and other WSIS-related meetings"

The GFC held regular sessions and special sessions in preparation for PrepCom-2. Regular sessions were open to members of the GFC (up to 30 Government delegations, plus 8 ex-officio members) and to observers from Governments. Special sessions were, in addition, open to observers from International Organizations, ITU sector members, and WSIS-accredited NGOs, civil society and business sector entities.

GFC meetings in preparation for PrepCom-2:

First meeting
22 October 2004 (Special session)
Second meeting
15 November 2004 (Special session in the afternoon)
16 November 2004
Third meeting
16-17 December 2004
Fourth meeting
10 January 2005 (Special session)
11 January 2005


go Fourth Meeting of the GFC: 10-11 January 2005 (first day open to all stakeholders)


The President of the PrepCom-2 process has invited contributions from all stakeholders by 24 December, to be sent to the chairman ( with a copy to the WSIS Executive Secretariat ( The contributions can cover the political chapeau and/or chapters 1, 2 and 4 of the operational part. The new drafts of both documents are now available:


go Third Meeting of the GFC: 16-17 December 2004

In line with the agreement reached in the Bureau, the next version of the rolling texts of the political chapeau and operational part, prepared by the chairman, will be sent out only to full members of the GFC, by email.


go Second Meeting of the GFC: 15-16 November 2004

At its second meeting, the GFC decided to invite contributions from governments and all other stakeholders to the work of the Group. For the third meeting, contributions should cover the draft political chapeau, chapters 1 and 4 of the Operational Part and, if possible, chapter 2 on financial mechanisms. Contributions should be sent, by 3rd December 2004, to the chairman ( with a copy to the WSIS Executive Secretariat ( When sending contributions, please indicate if you wish them to be posted on the WSIS website or to be treated as confidential. While no indication is made, the contribution will remain confidential.

The second meeting of the GFC took place on:

Monday, 15 November 2004,
from 1000 to 1300 hours (Regular Meeting)
from 1500 to 1800 hours (Special Meeting)
Room XVII, Door 40, First Floor, Palais des Nations


Tuesday, 16 November 2004,
from 1500 to 1800 hours (Regular Meeting)
Room XVII, Door 40, First Floor, Palais des Nations

In the regular meetings on Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon, only the members of GFC are invited to intervene and other government delegations are invited to observe deliberations. The special meeting on Monday afternoon is open to all government delegations, as well as to representatives of the other stakeholders of the WSIS, i.e. the international organizations, the private sector and the civil society.


go First Meeting of the GFC - 22 October 2004

At its first meeting, the GFC decided to invite contributions from governments and all other stakeholders to the work of the Group. For the second meeting, contributions covering the proposed political chapeau and follow-up and implementation should be sent, by 2nd November 2004, to the chairman ( with a copy to the WSIS Executive Secretariat ( When sending contributions, please indicate if you wish them to be posted on the WSIS website or to be treated as confidential.

The first meeting of the GFC took place in Geneva, Switzerland on:

Friday, 22 October 2004,
from 1000 to 1300 hours and from 1500 to 1800 hours,
Room XVII, Door 40, First Floor, Palais des Nations

  • Invitation letter (contains draft agenda)
  • Annex 1: "Group of Friends of the Chair"
  • Annex 2: "Chair's note to the members of the GFC" 
  • Annex 3: "Chair's non-paper to stimulate discussion in the GFC on October 22"




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Updated : 2005-10-06