Rapports et initiatives r�cents |
Accountability and oversight of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). a report to the Markle Foundations by Prof. Tamar Frankel, Bosten University School of Law.
African Information Society initiative (AISI).
Creating a Development Dynamic: Final report of the Digital Opportunity Initiative. (a short overview)
Digital Opportunities for All: Meeting the Challenge, Final Report of the Digital Opportunity Task Force. (a short overview)
ILO World Employment Report 2001.
ITU World Telecommunication Development Report 2002: Reinventing Telecoms. (a short overview)
ITU World Telecommunication Development Report 2003: Access Indicators for the Information Society. (a short overview)
Louder Voices, Strengthening Developing Country Participation in International ITC Decision Making. A study by the Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation and Panos London. The study was presented to the DOT-Force meeting at Calgary in May 2002 and to the G8 Summit in Kananaskis in June 2002.
Spanning the Digital Divide: Understanding and Tackling the Issues. (a short overview)
Sustainability at the Speed of Light, opportunities and challenges for tomorrow's society. Published by WWF Sweden and WWF International.
The Global Information Technology Report 2001-2002. Readiness for a Networked World, edited by Geoffrey Kirkman (Harvard University), Peter Cornelius (WEF), Jeffrey D. Sachs (Harvard University and Klaus Schwab (WEF). This major report can now be downloaded chapterwise free of cost from the web. In addition, the Executive Summary by Geoffrey Kirkman, the foreword by Bruno Lanvin and the preface by Klaus Schwab are available separately on the Harvard University website.
UNDP Human Development Report 2001, Making new Technologies work for Human Development. (a short overview)
UNESCO World Report on Communication and Information 1999-2000.