7th Highway Africa Conference: "Mainstreaming Medi3 in the Information Society", 8-10 September 2003 - Grahamstown, South Africa.
African Information Society Initiative.
Balancing Act, useful links to African websites.
Bisharat! A language, technology and development initiative.
Bisharat! Links page.
Catalysing Access to ICT in Africa (CATIA).
Completing the Revolution, The Challenge of Rural telephony in Africa. In the midst of the current enthusiasm for ICTs for development it is often forgotten that most rural Africans do not yet even have access to telephones.
Conference on the Financing of NEPAD, Dakar 15-17 April 2002.
Connectivity Africa homepage.
Database of online ressources from Bridges.org.
Drumbeat no. 187, Special Focus on ICTs in Africa, Part 3. On the Drumbeat page, put the keyword "Africa" and search.
Fair Access to Internet Report (FAIR) Reveals Cost And Regulatory Barriers To Internet Access in Africa. The findings of this report were presented at the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva, December 2003.
ICT-Enabled Development Case Studies Series: Africa.
Kabissa, a website using technology to strengthen non profit organizations working to improve the lives of people in Africa.
Partnership for Information and Communication Technologies in Africa.
Report of the Africa Regional Conference for WSIS (Bamako 28-30 May 2002).
Research ICT Africa! seeks to fulfil a strategic gap in the development of a sustainable information society and knowledge economy on the African continent�.
Soulbeat Africa.
Summary of the 4th Africa Computing and Telecommunications (ACT) Summit, Nairobi, Kenya, 6-8 August 2002.
Summary of the African Infrastructure and Services Report 2002/20.
The Africa ICT Policy Monitor.
The Association for Progressive Communications.
The Business for Africa website.
The Centre for Connectivity in Africa (Canadian Government Initiative/IDRC).
The LINK Centre is the leading research and training body in the field of information and communications technology (ICT) policy, regulation and management in Southern Africa.
Website of the ACACIA Initiative.