A comprehensive section on Cybercrime and Lawfull access from lexinformatica.org.
Association of Internet Researchers, Ethics working committee - a preliminary report.
Code and other laws of Cyberspace, A summary of Lawrence Lessig's book written by Bob Magnant, web-published with permission of L. Lessig.
Cyberethics, Computer Ethics. Homepage of IS World Net.
Damocles.org. The Damocles Network, the legal arm of Reporters Without Borders, has launched this new site in French and English entitled Toolbox. Designed for professionals but also for the use of anyone interested in freedom of expression, www.damocles.org carries basic texts that guarantee press freedom, along with extracts from codes of ethics.
Electronic Privacy Information Centre consultation paper on Lawful access for the Canadian Department of Justice.
ETHICOMP, a journal on computer ethics and social responsibility.
Ethics in Communication, Ponitifical Council for Social Communications.
Ethics in Internet, Pontifical Council for Social Communication.
Global Governance in the Information Age, by Prof. Wolfgang Kleinw�chter, Aarhus 2001.
Governing the Internet: Engaging Governments, Business and Non-Profits, by Zoe Baird (500-words preview of the article in Foreign Affairs, November/December 2002).
Human Rights Window of the Communication Initiative. The HUMAN RIGHTS Window provides a specific focus on the information related to HUMAN RIGHTS on The Communication Initiative website.
ICT & Intellectual Property Rights, by John Daly, from the Development Gateway website. The webpage contains links to the most important resources for this topic
Lex Informatica: The Formulation of Information Policy Rules Through Technology, by Joel L. Reidenberg (from Texas Law Review, February 1998).
Making Law Count, Background and Rationale of the People's Communication Charter Movement, by Cees Hamelink.
Privaterra/Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility consultation paper on Lawful access for the Canadian Department of Justice.
The Freedominfo.org Global Survey Freedom of Information and Access to Government Record Laws around the World.
The right to freedom of opinion and expression. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Commission on Human Rights Resolution 2003/42
The World Summit in Reflection. Information Technologies and International Development will be the premier journal in its field, focusing on the intersection of information and communication technologies (ICT) with international development. We aim to create a networked community of leading thinkers and strategists to discuss the critical issues of ICT and development, an epistemic community that crosses disciplines (especially technologists and social scientists), national boundaries, and the North and South hemispheres.
Toward a Framework for Internet Accountability, published by the Markle Foundation, July 2001.
Welcome to T182, Law, the Internet and Society: Technology and the Future of Ideas. This course originally formed part of the Relevant Knowledge undergraduate programme at the Open University. The university has now taken this course out of its academic programme, but the authors have decided to make the material available to a wider public under a Creative Commons licence.
What are global public goods? By Dr. Carola Donner-Reichle.