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go  ARTICLE 19, homepage of ARTICLE 19, the Global Campaign for Free Expression.

go  Centre for International Media Action. This website is designed as an information-exchange and networking center for people and organizations who are challenging the corporate-driven media through activism, education, research, organizing and policy advocacy.

go webpage library website on communications: media and networks.

go  CRIS (Communication Rights in the Information Society) homepage.

go  Democracy needs public discourse By Reinold E. Thiel. Independent and critical reporting helps to democratically monitor the state. Only well informed citizens cast their votes sensibly.

go  Eastern Empires, Foreign Ownership in Central and Eastern European Media: Ownership, Policy Issues and Strategies. Published by the European Federation of Journalists. A useful summary is at

go  Elitist public, high growth rate: how the the internet is changing the face of journalism by Werner Eggert.

go  Hearing the Voices of the Poor: Encouraging Good Governance and Poverty Reduction through Media Sector Support, by Dr. Ann Hudock.

go  International Freedom of eXpression (IFEX) home page (with a special section on WSIS).

go  Internet sous surveillance, Les entraves � la circulation de l'information sur le r�seau, Reporters sans Fronti�res, Rapport 2003 (french only).

go  Involving civil society in ICT Policy: The World Summit on the Information Society (by the APC). The book can be downloaded from this page.

go  Le guide mondial de la presse en ligne / 500 links to newspapers worldwide (in french only).

go  Markets thrive on information: the role of functional business media for market efficiency by Jenny Luesby.

go  Proceedings from the Seminar on Global Perspectives of Development Communication.

go  Reporters sans Fronti�res, page d'entr�e (from the French entry page, you can switch to the English page).

go  Website of the People's Communication Charter.



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