ICTs for MDGs (internationally agreed development goals as set down in the Millenium Declaration) |
A Dialogue on ICTs and Poverty: The Harvard Forum. In September 2003, 30 experts from around the world gathered at Harvard University to discuss how information and communication technologies (ICTs) can help to reduce poverty.
How ICTs can help achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Goal 8 includes a target to make available the benefits of ICTs to all the world's inhabitants. As well as this commitment, ICT can play a major role in achieving most of the other goals. The role of ICT for each goal is suggested in column 2. This text is designed to be used to compile information on best practices in using ICT to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that would help development practitioners identify what works and replicate success stories.
Human Development Report 2003 Millennium Development Goals: A compact among nations to end human poverty. The range of human development in the world is vast and uneven, with astounding progress in some areas amidst stagnation and dismal decline in others. Balance and stability in the world will require the commitment of all nations, rich and poor, and a global development compact to extend the wealth of possibilities to all people.
ICTs and MGDs, World Bank Group Perspective.
Information and Communication Technologies for Poverty Reduction? Discussion Paper By Richard Gerster and Sonja Zimmerman. Poverty is seen as the opposite of well-being. Beyond a lack of income, the multidimensional concept of poverty also refers to disadvantages in access to land, credit and services (e.g. health and education), vulnerability (towards violence, external economic shocks, natural disasters), powerlessness and social exclusion.
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT Elements of an Action Framework for Implementing the Millennium Development Goals Task Force on Science, Technology and Innovation of the United Nations Millennium Project. Metaphors play an important role is shaping policy discourses. One of the most salient of these is the �digital divide� which is used to capture the growing divergence between the industrialized and developing countries in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
Measuring, Monitoring and Analyzing ICT Impacts by the United Nations ICT Task Force. As we approach the five year measure of progress toward the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), international development organizations are taking stock of what progress has been made. Results to date are showing some countries are progressing well toward achieving the MDG.
Nord et Sud num�riques (Les cahiers du num�rique Volume 2 n�3/4-2001) Auteur(s) : SOUPIZET Jean-Fran�ois, GILLE Laurent.
Poverty and e-Readication by Bruno Lanvin and Christine Zhen-Wei Qiang. The year 2000 saw the launch of two major international efforts, which are now expected to converge. One was the �Digital Opportunity Task Force� (DOT Force), initiated by the G-8. The other was the adoption by the UN General Assembly of a new set of development targets, called �Millennium Development Goals� or MDG, to be achieved by 2015.1
Short website on the Millennium Development Ggoals, made by the UN. This site contains the Millennium Development Goals, the declaration, The SG's 2000 report and press releases on the progress on the Millennium Development Goals.
Statement of the President of the Economic and Social Council H.E. Dr. Ivan Simonovi�, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Croatia.
The MDG Dashboard, developed by the European Statistical Laboratory. The "MDG Dashboard" presents these indicators in a highly communicative format aimed at decision-makers and citizens interested in the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development. This free database provides 60 indicators for ca. 200 countries and 15 years (1990-2004) based on original UN Statistics Division data.
The Regional Human Development Report on Promoting ICT for Human Development: Realising the Millennium Development Goals,.
UNDP website on the Millennium Development Goals. UNDP, as the UN's global development network, links and coordinates global and national efforts to reach the Millennium goals.
Video of Jeff Sachs, Special Advisor to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Director of the Millennium Project. March 1st discussion on the Millennium Development Goals and the challenges facing the Donor Community.
Website of the UN General Assembly. The turn of the century is a unique and symbolically compelling moment for the 189 Member States of the United Nations to articulate and affirm an animating vision for the Organization in the new era.
Working Paper: Tools for Development - Using Information and Communications Technology to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The UN ICT Task Force is developing a comprehensive conceptual framework which underlines the role that ICTs play in the overall development agenda.
Working Party on ICT Indicators and MDG Mapping. An informal working party was established by the United Nations ICT Task Force in April 2003, led by the Canadian government, to examine the impact of ICT on the international development agenda and more specifically, the impact of ICT in furthering efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
World Bank website on the Millennium Development Goals.