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Human Rights


go  CRIN, the Child Rights Information Network.

go  Human Rights around he world, a links page.

go  Human Rights Internet. Founded in 1976, HRI is a leader in the exchange of information within the worldwide human rights community. Launched in the United States, HRI has its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada. From Ottawa, HRI communicates by phone, fax, mail and the Internet with more than 5,000 organizations and individuals around the world working for the advancement of human rights. HRI is dedicated to the empowerment of human rights activists and organizations, and to the education of governmental and intergovernmental agencies and officials and other actors in the public and private sphere, on human rights issues and the role of civil society.

go  Human Rights links.

go  Human Rights Net. The aim of the Human Rights Net site is to provide a platform for human rights organisations and networks. Here you will find the homepages of NGO's and information on their activities and publications.

go  Human Rights Ressource Center. The Human Rights Resource Center is an integral part of the University of Minnesota Human Rights Center and works in partnership with the University of Minnesota Human Rights Library.

go  Human Rights Window. The HUMAN RIGHTS Window provides a specific focus on the information related to HUMAN RIGHTS on The Communication Initiative website.



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