Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief |
A Pension in Fish - India. A beneficial long term idea arose from a catastrophic natural disaster.
Aid Workers Network. Aid Workers Network links relief and development field staff to share support, ideas and best practice. This web site is being developed by a team of experienced aid workers to provide a comprehensive resource for busy field workers needing practical advice and proven resources to help with their current work.
'Bytes for All' Special Issue on 'Disaster Mitigation'.
Community Based Care for Separated Children. Worldwide, children can become separated from their parents, caretakers, and communities as a result of armed conflict, natural disasters, pandemics such as AIDS, and various forms of exploitation and abuse.
Community Radio Society of Tafea (CReST FM) - Tafea, Vanuatu. In 2004, the Community Radio Society of Tafea (CReST) began the process of setting up a community FM radio network for people who live in the province of Tafea on the island of Vanuatu.
Community-Based Disaster Preparedness (CBDP) Programme - Andhra Pradesh, India. Twenty NGOs involved in disaster management in Andhra Pradesh train children to recognise cyclone warnings and act on them, build floating devices, rescue and treat the injured and get people safely into cyclone shelters. For the children it�s fun and games, but with a very serious undertone.
Dateline Earth: Journalism as if the Planet Mattered. Kunda Dixit's claim is that issues like jungle families sickened by mine tailings, peasants adversely affected by global free trade, countries impacted by toxic dumpsites, and general environmental neglect, are often ignored.
Economics for Ever.
Emergency ITN Distribution and Retreatment, Mozambique. Following the extensive flooding that affected southern Mozambique during February 2000, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with UNICEF and several NGO partners (SCF-USA, WVI, LWF, ADPP, Oxfam, Concern, Merlin, World Relief), distributed 200,000 ITNs to flood-affected families in conjunction with participatory communication for malaria. These nets were distributed free of charge.
Familylinks, the website of the ICRC concerning people sought by their families in connection with conflicts/crisis worldwide.
forcedmigration online. Forced migration online provides instant access to a wide variety of online resources dealing with the situation of lforced migrants worldwide.
HAM Radio Project - Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. Reaching out to farmers and rural communities, a network of amateur radio operators supports efforts to improve communication on droughts and floods throughout the continent.
Information Management System for Mine Action. IMSMA is the information management system is developed by the Centre for Security Studies at the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology (ETH) Zurich on behalf of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and is part of Switzerland's effort to strengthen humanitarian demining.
Involving Local Communities to Prevent and Control Forest Fires. "Globally, 95 percent of all fires are caused by various human activities," said Mike Jurvelius, an FAO forest fire expert.
Reconstruir Information System - El Salvador. El Salvador Earthquake Reconstruction Aided by Internet: Web site data helped speed planning and reduce costs.
Reducing Disaster Risk: A Challenge for Development (Part 1 of 2). Natural disasters exert an enormous toll on development. In doing so, they pose a significant threat to prospects for achieving the Millennium Development Goals in particular, the overarching target of halving extreme poverty by 2015.
Refugees International website.
ReliefWeb. ReliefWeb is a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and serves the information needs of the humanitarian relief community.
Sphere Project - Global. The Sphere Project was launched in 1997 by a group of humanitarian NGOs and the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement.
UNHCR Website.
Water: Foremost Cause of Natural Disaster. Source: WHO Information Fact Sheet Feature No. 203, September 2001