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go  Connecting Voices and Expanding Horizons. ABSTRACT Anju Vyas describes the genesis, developments, doubts, dilemmas and challenges of moderating BOL, an electronic discussion list on gender issues in South Asia.

go  Declaration of the GKP forum on ICT and Gender. More than 300 participants from around the globe gathered at the "Forum on ICTs and Gender: Optimizing Opportunities" in Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur end of August. In their declaration for WSIS, they stressed the importance of ICT as a tool to promote women's empowerment, rights and dignity and full participation in the information society.

go  Extract of the Report of the First Session of the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality, New York, 26 February to 1 March 2002.

go  Gender and ICT, 2004, an overview Report by Anita Gurumurthy.

go  Gender, Information Technology, and Developing Countries: An Analytic Study, conducted in June 2001 for the United States Agency for International Development.

go Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are being used by women�s organisations to communicate their own agendas and perspectives in order to effect women�s empowerment and social change.

go  ICT, Gender Equality and Empowering Women, by John Daly, from the Development Gateway website. The page contains several interesting links to other gender sites

go  Key recommendations of the WSIS Gender Caucus, The Aftican Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Summit on the Information Society, Bamako, Mali, May 25-30, 2002.

go  Let's Close Gender Gap in Information Technology, an editorial by Steve Gladis, Washington Business Journal.

go  SIGIS Strategies of Inclusion: Gender in the Information Society. SIGIS is a project funded by the EU Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). This project has analysed 30 initiatives and related processes of gender inclusion, partly to study the strategic features, partly to learn from relative successes, and partly to provide a knowledge base to support and encourage development of new inclusion efforts. This is needed to safeguard the development of an information society for all, but it is also an important prerequisite of commercial success of many new ICT projects.

go  The GKP Newsletter of May 2003 has a special focus on gender. On the Newsletter page, click on May 2003.

go  Women's Economic Empowerment through ICTs. Book chapters available on the site.



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