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go  E-business for NGOs, a IICD Research Brief, January 2002.

go  E-COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2004. Chapters are available for download on the UNCTAD site.

go  E-Commerce for Developing Countries, impact, obstacles and policies, a website of the GAP project of IDS. The pages refers to several new documents and research papers regarding e-commerce for developing countries.

go  E-commerce, no business for the poor, a article on the report by John Humphrey, Robin Mansell, Daniel Par�, Hubert Schmitz: The Reality of Ecommerce with Developing Countries.

go  GBDe Recommendations 2003. TheGBDe (Global Business Dialogue on electronic commerce) 2003 recommendations note that �as the impact of the Internet has moved beyond the developed world, there is increasing concern about its potential effect on culture and society. In addition, issues such as cyber security, unsolicited electronic communications (also known as spam), and piracy continue to demonstrate the need for improved international cooperation. The first phase of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), commencing in Geneva during December, 2003 will be an important process for highlighting emerging Information Society issues�.

go  India's Information Technology Sector: What contribution to broader economic development? OECD Technical paper no. 207.

go  Southern African Development Community - World Economic Forum Consultation Report on e-readiness.

go  The reality of E-Commerce with Developing Countries, by J. Humphrey, R. Mansell, D Pare and H. Schmitz, March 2003. A major new report by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and the London School of Economics.

go  The Reality of E-commerce with Developing Countries, prepared by J. Humphres (IDS), R. Mansell (LES), D. Par� (LES) and H. Schmitz (IDS).

go  UNCTAD "Measuring the Information Society" website. The Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) branch of UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) launched a new web resource during November 2003 called Measuring the Information Society: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Indicators for Development. �Measuring the Information Society� is an interactive site for information on the development of statistics and indicators related to ICTs, which allows practitioners from all countries to exchange views and best practice in the field of information society statistics, and to work towards common definitions, indicators and measurement frameworks. Its creation sprang from the �Measuring Electronic Commerce as an Instrument for the Development of the Digital Economy� meeting held in Geneva (Switzerland) from 8-10 September 2003. In particular, it is intended to help monitor progress made between the two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) held in Geneva during December 2003 and Tunis in November 2005.

go  UNCTAD E-commerce and development report 2003. This third edition of the E-Commerce and Development Report, published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, identifies some of the implications that the growth of the digital economy may have for developing countries. It aims to provide practitioners and policy makers with a better understanding of the options available to them in leading sectors of developing-country economies. It is also meant to contribute to the debates at the World Summit on the Information Society and efforts to create a truly inclusive information society that serves and empowers all people (from the inagural text by Kofi Annan)

go  UNCTAD, e-commerce and development report 2001.

go  UNCTAD, e-commerce and development report 2002. The Electronic Journalon Information Systems in Developing Countries ( EJISDC) , released on the web a special volume devoted to the recently issued UNCTAD 2002 report

on E Commerce and Development. It consists of 12 commentaries written by IS researchers and practitioners, each of whom comments on the report - either on a single chapter, or else on the report as a whole. The Journal can be found here . Click on "volume 11".



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