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Digital Divide


go  Digital Divide Network. DDN serves as a catalyst for developing new, innovative digital divide strategies and for making current initiatives more strategic, more partner-based and more outcome-oriented, with less duplication of effort and more learning from each others' activities. The shared knowledge base that emerges from DDN will go a long way toward establishing the right benchmarks for judging the effectiveness of digital divide initiatives. As a nonprofit leader in addressing the digital divide, the Benton Foundation serves as producer and coordinator of the Digital Divide Network.

go  Effective use, a community informatics strategy beyond the Digital Divide, by Michael Gurstein.

go  Global Information Technology Report 2003-2004. The Executive Summary as well as Chapter 1 and 2 of the Report can be downloaded from the WEF website free of cost

go  Information and Technology development indices, published by UNCTAD, June 2003.

go  Monitoring the Digital Divide, and beyond. An ORBICOM - CIDA Project. In their preface to the report, Jose-Maria Figueres, Chairman of the UN ICT Task Force, and Bruno Lanvin, Manager of infoDev at the World Bank say: �The Orbicom report is a remarkable attempt to offer a global set of indicators (infostate) showing how the availability of ICTs and access to networks can be a misleading indicator if it neglects people�s skills, and if ICT networks and skills combined (infodensity) are not matched by a measurement of what individuals, business and countries actually do with such technologies (info-use). It also offers important perspectives into the central role that e-policies and knowledge have started to play in determining how countries will fare in the global competition to benefit from the information revolution and move away from poverty�. A French version is also available on .

go  The 'digital divide' could lead to the creation of a gigantic 'cyber ghetto' in the developing countries. By Alain Modoux.

go  The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries (EJISDC) strives to become the foremost international forum for practitioners, teachers, researchers and policy makers to share their knowledge and experience in the design, development, implementation, management and evaluation of information systems and technologies in developing countries.

go  The 'grey digital divide': perception, exclusion and barriers of access to the internet for older people. By Peter Millward.

go  The Senior Net Digital Divide page. The mission of SeniorNet is to provide older adults with computer education and access to computers and the Internet in order to enrich their lives and enable them to share their knowledge and wisdom with the world. SeniorNet believes that the senior segment has been neglected in the Digital Divide. In order to close the gap, SeniorNet has partnered with the eBay Foundation, IBM and The Charles Schwab Foundation to provide education and programs that focus on the needs and interests of older adults.

go  UN ICTs Benchmarking Tool. The ICT benchmarking tool was developed to provide policy-makers in developing countries with a useful interactive tool to assess their countries' ICT capabilities in terms of connectivity and ease of access and to compare them against those of other countries. Designed with a flexible and open-source system, the ICT Benchmarking tool allows users to configure the parameters to suit their specific needs.

go  W(h)ither the Digital Divide? By Karsten Fink and Charles J. Kenny.



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