AGORA Access to global online research in Agriculture. The AGORA site provides access to over 400 journals from major scientific publishers in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. AGORA is available to students and researchers in qualifying not-for-profit institutions in eligible developing countries.
Antyodaya Pathway of Bridging the Digital Divide, by M.S. Swaminathan. Anthyodaya or 'attention to the poorest person' is the pathway Mahatma Gandhi described over 60 years ago. He wanted all involved in formulating developmental policies and strategies to adopt a bottom-up approach. In this article, Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, the founder of the Green Revolution in India, explains how this principle is applied in the ICT4D strategy of the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India.
Arab Human Development Report: Building a Knowledge Society.
Background and Perspective. An article by Aditya Dev Sood from the Centre of Knowledge Societies, Bangalore, on the Information sectors in India, the feasibility of technology-driven social change in South Asia, infrastructure bottlenecks, focus areas of development, ICTs impact on rural economies and the future digital development, thw whole with a lot of useful links.
BDO, Homepage of the Building Digital Opportunities Programme.
Can ICT Applications contribute to Poverty Reduction? Lessons from Rural India, by Simone Cecchini and Christopher Scott.
Community Telecentres. A Highlight Page from the Development Gateway website, focusing, in particular, on the sustainability and effectiveness of Community Telecentres.
Completing the Revolution, The Challenge of Rural Telephony in Africa. In the midst of the current enthusiasm for ICTs for development it is often forgotten that most rural Africans do not yet even have access to telephones.
Development Effectiveness Report 2003 Partnerships for Results.
Diminishing the Digital Divide in Switzerland, ICT-Policies, Practicies and Lessons learnt, by Richard Gerster and Andrea Haag.
FAO website on the Rural Digital Divide.
GCR-Exchange. A website on sharing information about (good) governance in development,created by DFID and IDS.
Guide to ICTs for Development, by Aditya Dev Sood from the Center for Knowledge Societies, Bangalore, India, 2002. A short version of the text is available here
ICT and Human Development: Towards Building a Composite Index for Asia. This quantitative study was undertaken as an exercise for the preparation of UNDP�s Regional Human Development Report
Realising the Millennium
Development Goals.
ICT and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Sahara Africa, a Learning Study, October 2003. Its purpose is to identify, and help remove, some of the key barriers to, and to develop genuine opportunities for, poverty-focused ICT for development.
ICT based interventions Can help reducing poverty UNESCO research project report.
ICT Development Library. The Commonwealth TelecommunicationTelecommunications Organisation's ICT Development Digital Library (ICT DevLibrary) provides a unique collection of ICT-for-development reports and documents for policy-makers and practitioners in developing countries. It uniquely provides direct, �one-click� access to these documents, and makes these often bulky documents accessible to users on low bandwidth connections. Stocked with key reports published by the leading organisations in the field, the ICT Development Library supplements ICT Development Agenda, the CTO�s web-based newsletter which provides breaking, objective updates on the outcomes of decision-making meetings and summaries of important new reports.
ICT for Development page of the Development Gateway Foundation. As the developing countries of the world rush to embrace the information society, it is important to remember that their success depends�.
ICT for Development, a e-resource page of the Asian Development Bank.
[New] ICT Update, a current awareness bulletin for ACP Agriculture. Each issue of ICT Update focuses on a specific theme relevant to ICTs for agricultural and rural development in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, and features four commissioned articles.
ICT, poverty and empowerment, a publication by DFID, July 2001.
ICT-Enabled Development Case Studies Series: Africa.
ICTs and development, a KIT web resource to donor policies and approaches.
IDRC website on Information and Communication Technologies for Development.
Improving Development Effectiveness. Concern for global stability and prosperity requires development efforts that achieve measurable results. Desirable outcomes can include raising greater numbers of people out of poverty, achieving higher levels of education for more people, and lowering infant mortality rates. Countries need to focus on such results so that they can make better policy decisions and design better strategies for their own development.
Information and Communication Technologies, Poverty and Development: Learning from Experience A Background Paper for the infoDev Annual Symposium December 9-10, 2003, Geneva, Switzerland, Kerry S. McNamara.
Information Society and Sustainable Development: Finding Linkages. This is a background paper published by the IISD.
Information Technology, Globalization and Social Development, by Manuel Castells, September 1999. Jagriti is a platform for application of Information Technology for the masses, with special focus on the needs of Rural areas.It aims at deployment of IT Enabled Services for education, agricultural information, health, e-governance and other location-specific needs. Jagrithi is franchising Kiosks (Telecenters) in India.
Knowledge Management for Development, Documents page of Bellanet. There are more than 200 documents on Knowledge Management for Development in the Database.
Knowledge Management for Development, produced by Bellanet, entry page.
Magazine for Development and Cooperation; New media and the fight against poverty by Siegfried Karwatzki.
Mainsstreaming ICTs, digital futures for ACP agriculture. The Special CTA 20th annversary edition of the ICT update is dealing with mainsstreaming ICTs in agriculture. (CTA is the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU).
Missing the connection? Using ICT in education. February 2003 Insights Education Issue #1, from id21.
Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for ICT-enabled Development: IICD Experiences.
Nayudamma Information Bank. The Nayudamma Information Bank contains information about and easy access to technologies supported by IDRC - technologies from the South for the South. Providing contact names for all the technologies described, it is a way of sharing and updating information on technological advancements for international development.
Open Knowledge Network (OKN). OKN is an initiative of the DOTForce: the Digital Opportunity Task Force set up by the G8 Heads of State to make a decisive contribution to bridging the digital divide. OKN has since been adopted by the UN ICT Task Force. The OKN consortium is made up of:, IICD, IDRC, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Accenture and the Berkman Center of Harvard Law School.
Portal Site of the World Agricultural Information Centre.
Proceedings from the Seminar on Global Perspectives of Development Communication.
Promoting ICT for Human Development in Asia 2004: Realising the Millennium Development Goals - Summary. The summary of this report can be downloaded free of cost.
Promoting ICT for Human Development in South Asia. Realizing the Millenium Development Goals (An initiative of Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme and Human Development Resource Centre, New Delhi).
Report of the First Consultation on Agricultural Information Management, FAO 2001.
Report of the Second Consultation on Agricultural Information Management, FAO 2002.
Rural Knowledge Centres: Harnessing Local Knowledge via Interactive Media.
Social Capital and Information Technology, a website of the PovertyNet, World Bank.
Technology Empowerment Network. Technology Empowerment Network, TEN, is a virtual community of CEOs and other leaders who volunteer to help bridge the digital divide by supporting social entrepreneurs in under-served areas. TEN members offer their time, insight and expertise to help bring information technology to schools, businesses and civil society in poor communities around the world
Telecentres: How did we lose the plot? By Earl Mardle. Check also the peer review by John Daly
Ten steps for Establishing a Sustainable Multipurpose Community Telecentre (a publication of the UNESCO Bangkok Office).
The Information Society and development, a review of the EC's experience in Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean.
The Internet and Rural Development: Recommendations for Strategy and Activity, by the Sustainable Development Department, FAO.
The Network Revolution and the Developing World, Final Report for World Bank and InfoDev, by Analysis Consulting, May 2001.
The Petersberg Prize. The prize aims to recognise exemplary contributions in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) for development. It will be awarded during the Development Gateway Forum, which will take place in 2004. Deadline for submissions is 1 February 2004.
The Power of Information, a grassroot organisation in India defeats corruption, by Bunker Roy.
The significance ot information and communication technologies for reducing poverty, a publication by DFID, January 2002.
The World Summit in Reflection. Information Technologies and International Development will be the premier journal in its field, focusing on the intersection of information and communication technologies (ICT) with international development. We aim to create a networked community of leading thinkers and strategists to discuss the critical issues of ICT and development, an epistemic community that crosses disciplines (especially technologists and social scientists), national boundaries, and the North and South hemispheres.
Towards empowerment, how a project that provides village residents easy access to information could make all the difference in their lives.
UNDP Best Practices and Know-How in ICT for Development: E-book downloadable for free.
UNDP observatory articles.
Unleashing Entrepreneurship: Making business work for the poor. In this report to U N Secretary-General, the Commission focuses on how business can create domestic employment and wealth, free local entrepreneurial energies... Downloadable for free.
Untouchables in the World of IT, an article by Gail Omvedt. This article was published by PANOS, London ( 1.2.2004
Wi-Fi in rural India, an article from The Hindu, May 4, 2003.