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civil society


go  "Communicating in the Information Society", a 235 page volume edited by Sean O'Siochru and Bruce Girard of the CRIS Campaign: The chapters can be downloaded free of cost from this website.

go  A selection of major documents and links on civil society by ELDIS. ELDIS is a gateway to information on development issues, providing free and easy access to wide range of high quality online resources. It is managed by the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, is a leading centre for research and teaching on international development.

go  Can we surf together if we are bowling alone? An examination of virtual communities and social capital, by A. Blanchard and T. Horan.

go  CIVICUS. CIVICUS is an international alliance established in 1993 to nurture the foundation, growth and protection of citizen action throughout the world, especially in areas where participatory democracy and citizens' freedom of association are threatened.

go  High-level panel on UN-civil society: civil society and global governance. Contextual paper prepared by the Panel's Chairman Fernado Henrique Cardoso

go  How computer ed will create civil society, by Larry Berger.

go  Information Society and civil society: The promised land of the Information Society, by Ricardo G�mez. Article first published in "an Ethical Global Information Society: Culture and Democracy Revisited", Jaques Berleur and Diane Whitehouse (Eds.), London: Chabman&Hall, 1997, pp. 186-196

go  Involving civil society in ICT Policy: The World Summit on the Information Society (published by APC). The book can be downloaded from this webiste.

go  Involving civil society in ICT Policy: The World Summit on the Information Society, published by the APC, September 2003.

go  Panel on Civil Society. The Panel has concluded its work and launched its final report on 21 June 2004 at UN Headquarters in New York and in Geneva. The following links provide copies of the Report and press materials from the launch event.

go  Philospohy and Civil Society on the web, a webpage of

go  Report of the UN Civil Society Outreach Symposium.

go  The World Summit on the Information Society and its Legacy for Global Governance.

go  What is civil society? Too little attention to the aspect of legitimacy, by Frank Bliss.



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