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go A website created by Vikas Nath, containing extensive resources on e-Governance and ICT.

go  Districts of India website. The Districts of India Portal features among other variety of citizen services to facilitate government-public interaction and strengthen e-governance at the grass-root level. It is an endeavour of the National Informatics Centre (NIC) of India to provide a one-stop source for all the information about Districts of India at one place on the web. A very significant value addition in the form of Citizen Services attempts to bridge the gap between government and public in day-to-day administration. The Portal operates on a Participatory Model soliciting citizens' direct involvement in updating the Portal through Citizen Services Registration.

go  e-Govenment Bulletin from E-Government Bulletin from is a email service covering electronic public services, 'teledemocracy' and the information society in the UK and worldwide. The Bulletin is a free, independent publication, aimed at everyone in government, local government, the social sector and their private sector partners

go  E-Govenment for poor countries? Modernizing the state in the Third World, by Christian von Haldenwang.

go  E-Governance in developing countries, a IICD Research Brief, March 2001.

go  E-Government and Democracy Report, by Steven Clift -

go  e-government for Development home page.The "eGovernment for Development Information Exchange" project is coordinated by the University of Manchester's Institute for Development Policy and Management .

go  European Commission: Links to e-government websites of member states of the EU and to other national e-government sites.

go  Force3, Forum for creative entrepreneurship. Force3 ( Forum for Creative Entrepreneurship ) a registered Non Profit society NGO from India having Chhattisgarh / Vidarbha Chapters is focussed on IT Enabled employment oriented E-Governance initiatives.

go  Life-Line to Business. Tuesday, November 16, 2004,

ICT and e-Gov for achieving MDGs Case study on: �ICT and e-Gov�

go  Logging on in Belandur. Belandur Gram Panchayat in Karnataka, India, which is the first in the State to computerise its administration, finds that e-governance cuts costs and removes corruption, among other things.

go  Making E-Gov Work, IT leaders discuss what is needed to fully integrate e-government services and operations, published by Federal Computer Week June 2002.

go  Plan of Action, E-Government for Development, by UN-ESA and the Ministry for Innovation and Technologies, Government of Italy. The plan of action is the outcome of the International Conference on E-government for Development.

go  Roadmap for E-Government in the Developing World, 10 questions E-Government Leaders should ask themselves. A publication of the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Western Partner of the Council on Foreign Relations.

go  The E-government Handbook for Developing Countries, a Project of InfoDev and the Center for Democracy and Technology.

go  the e-government webpage of the Government of Andhra Pradesh (India).



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