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Community ICT


go  Community Informatics Research Network 2004 Inaugural Conference at Prato, Italy.

go  Community Information Network for Southern Africa. CINSA is a pilot project designed to support community ICT projects in the SADC region through networking, training, service brokerage, technical support, creating a resource base and assisting with project evaluation.

go  Community Radio gives India's villagers a voice, Special to the Washington Post 17.9.2003, by Rama Lakshmi.

go  Communmity Technology Review.

go  Cybercafes and their Potential as Community Development Tools in India. The Internet is dramatically changing the way people live, work, communicate, recreate and participate in public life all over the world. But the growth and the penetration of the Internet is far from being distributed equally around the globe.

go  Guide to Rural Telecentres Published in Brazil. A �Guide to Rural Telecentres� (Guia Gemas da Terra de Telecentros Rurais) was recently published by the Brazilian NGO Gemas da Terra. The Guide, that was produced with resources from UNESCO�s Information for All Programme, is aimed at helping Portuguese-speaking communities to establish community multimedia telecentres in rural areas.

go  Kothmale Community Radio - Sri Lanka, a case study report.

go  The Association for Community Networking. Starting a community network? The AFCN offers individuals and member communities information, conferences, discussion, and sharing of work and ideas.

go  Village Kiosks bridge India's Digital Divide, Washington Post Foreign Service 12.10.2003, by John Lancaster.

go  VOICES for social change, website of the Indian NGO. VOICES, a unit of Madhyam Communications (a registered non-profit trust), was set up in 1991 as a development communications organisation working towards the empowerment of the disadvantaged and marginalised sections of society.



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