United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  





ACTION LINE C8: Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content

C8 in the Geneva Plan of Action

C8 moderator/facilitator: UNESCO

C8 contact information:

  • Focal Point: Mr. Joe Hironaka (UNESCO)

C8 WSIS Stocktaking related activities


 11th Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 8 April 2019

The Eleventh Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized by UNESCO. The meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.

Action Line C8: “Culture for a Sustainable Digital Environment“

  • When: Monday, 8 April 2019, 16:30-18:15
  • Where: ITU Headquarters Room ( Room 1 ), Geneva, Switzerland
WSIS 2015 Documentation


 10th Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 28 May 2015

The Tenth Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized by UNESCO. The meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.

Action Line C8: “Culture for a Sustainable Digital Environment”
  • When: Thursday, 28 May 2015
  • Where: ITU Headquarters, Room Popov, 15:00 – 16:30, Geneva, Switzerland
WSIS 2015 Documentation


 9th Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 13 June 2014

The Ninth Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized by UNESCO. The meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.

Action Line C8: “Indigenous Peoples, Education and ICTs”
  • When: 13 June 2014
  • Where: ITU Headquarters, (Room K1), Geneva, Switzerland
WSIS 2014 Documentation


 8th Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 14 May 2013

The Eighth Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized by UNESCO/OECD/ISOC. The meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.

Action Line C8: “Indigenous Peoples, Education and ICTs”
  • When: 14 May 2013
  • Where: ITU Headquarters (Room C), Geneva, Switzerland
WSIS 2013 Documentation


 7th Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 14 May 2012

The Seventh Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized by UNESCO/OECD/ISOC. The meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.

Action Line C8: “Indigenous Peoples, Education and ICTs”
  • When: 14 May 2012
  • Where: ILO Conference Centre, (Room III), Geneva, Switzerland
WSIS 2012 Documentation


 6th Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 17 May 2011

The Sixth Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized by UNESCO. The meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.

Action Line C8: “Indigenous Peoples, Education and ICTs”
  • When: 17 May 2011
  • Where: ILO Conference Centre, (Room II), Geneva, Switzerland
WSIS 2011 Documentation


 5th Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 10-11 May 2010

The Fifth Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized by UNESCO. The meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.

Action Line C8: “Indigenous Peoples” A Thematic Workshop
  • When: 11 May 2010
  • Where: ITU Headquarters, (Room M), Geneva, Switzerland

Action Line C8: “Multilingualism”
  • When: 10 May 2010
  • Where: ITU Headquarters, (Room L), Geneva, Switzerland


 4th Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 18 May 2009

The Fourth Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized UNESCO. The meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.

Action Line C8: “Cultural diversity and identity”
  • When: 18 May 2009
  • Where: ITU Headquarters, Room B1, Geneva, Switzerland
WSIS 2009 Forum Website


 3rd Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 24 May 2008

The Third Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized by UNESCO. The meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.
  • When: 20 May 2008
  • Where: ITU Headquarters, Room C2, Geneva, Switzerland


 2nd Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 24 May 2007

The Second Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized by UNESCO. The meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.
  • When: 24 May 2007
  • Where: ITU Headquarters, Room K1/K2, Geneva, Switzerland


 1st Facilitation Meeting, Geneva, 12 May 2006

The First Facilitation meeting on action line C8 was organized by UNESCO. This meeting was open to all WSIS stakeholders.

  • When: 12 May 2006
  • Where: Palais des Nations, Room XX, 10h00 -18h00, Geneva, Switzerland.

2006 Faciliation meeting Summary Report




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