United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  





UN ICT Task Force Series 8: The World Summit on the Information Society: Moving from the Past into the Future
This book describes, through the voices of some of its major actors, essential parts of the complex undertaking of the WSIS, from conception to realization. Edited by Daniel Stauffacher and Wolfgang Kleinw�chter.

ICT4D-Connecting People for a better World: Lessons, Innovations and Perspectives of Information and Communication Technologies in Development
This book aims to make the outstanding wealth of knowledge compiled during the ICT4D Forum available to a wider audience. It is also intended to stimulate interest and awareness beyond the core ICT circles, and especially to reach those development organisations which are still sceptical about ICT4D because of its perceived technical focus. Edited by Gerolf Weigel and Daniele Waldburger. Published by the Swiss Agency of Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP).

The Public Voice WSIS Source Book: Perspectives on the World Summit on the Information Society.
The Public Voice WSIS Sourcebook has been compiled to further a dialogue on the issues, the outcomes, and the process of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Beginning in 2003 and continuing through 2005, the UN WSIS will seek the views of national governments, private sector organizations and civil society, on the opportunities presented by information and communications technologies.

The Law of Cyber-Space: An Invitation to the Table of Negotiations
This book is a sequel to the earlier work on Information Insecurity, in which it had been argued that the absence of globally harmonized legislation was turning cyber-space into an area of ever increasing dangers and worries.  Published by UNITAR

Towards knowledge societies: UNESCO world report
The UNESCO World Report on knowledge societies for all has been released at a crucial moment. After the achievements of the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, there is fresh international interest in the growth and development paradigm that bears within it the idea of “knowledge societies”. We are witnessing the emergence of a need for clarification of its aims as a project of society. This is the challenge that the UNESCO World Report intends to address on the eve of decisive international meetings.

Information Society in the 21st Centaury: A requisite for development
The Spanish State Secretariat of Telecommunications and for the Information Society impelled the publication titled "Information Society in century XXI: a requirement for development", supporting the Spanish contribution to the World Summit on Information Society. Two volumes were produced with the contribution of experts from civil society and private sector and the content evolves from the two issues (e-learning and e-inclusion) dealt with in volume 1 (presented in Geneva  in December 2003),  to the seven issues of volume 2 (presented in Tunis in November 2005).



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