United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  




 List of chairpersons during both phases of WSIS

Geneva Phase

Position Person (Country) Main phases of involvement Main output
President, PrepCom, Geneva phase H.E. Mr. Adama Samassekou
Chair of Plenary from PC-1 (July 1-5 2002) to Geneva Summit (10-12 December 2003)

Geneva Declaration and Plan of Action


Chair, Subcommittee-1 (Rules of Procedure) H.E. Mr. Daniel Stauffacher(Switzerland) PC-1

Rules of procedure


Chair, Subcommittee-2 (Content) H.E. Mr. Pablo Macedo
PC-1 and informal meeting on content and themes (Sept 16-18, 2002)

Preliminary list of content and themes for the Summit


Chair, Subcommittee-2 (Content) H.E. Mr. Yasuaki Nogawa

PC-2 (February 17-28 2003)


No substantive output as main work was carried out in Working Group


Working Group of Subcommittee-2 Ms Lyndall Shope-Mafole
(Head of Delegation, South Africa)

PC-2, intersessional (Paris, 15-18 July 2003) and PC-3 (15-26 September 2003)


Initial draft of the Geneva Declaration and Plan of Action, and continuing work on Declaration during PC-3


Chair, Subcommittee-2 (Content) H.E. Mr. Asko Numminen

PC-3, informal negotiations (20, 30 and 31 October 2003) and PC-3 bis (10-14 November)


Further work on Geneva Declaration and Plan of Action


Chair, Working Group of Plenary (Content) H.E. Mr. Marc Furrer (Switzerland)

Informal consultations and PC-3 ter (5-6 and 9 December 2003)


Completed texts of Geneva Declaration and Plan of Action




Tunis Phase

Position Person (Country) Main phases of involvement Main output

President of PrepCom (Tunis phase) and chair of Group of Friends of the Chair and of Negotiations Group meeting


H.E. Mr. Janis Karklins


Chair of Plenary from PC-1 (Hammamet, 24-26 June 2004) to PC-3 resumed (13-15 November 2005). Chair of Group of Friends (12 meeting days) and Negotiations Group (24-28 October)


Tunis Commitment and Agenda for the Information Society


Task Force on Financial Mechanisms (TFFM)


UNDP in chair, and 24 members/alternates, plus 5-person research/drafting group


Two meetings on 4 October and 16 November 2004 and online consultation process


Final report and Executive summary delivered 22 December 2004, providing input to chapter 2 of Tunis Agenda.


Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG)


Chaired by Mr. Nitin Desai (India) with secretariat and 39 members


Four meetings on 23-25 November 2004, 14-18 February, 18-20 April and 14-17 June 2005 and informal consultation on 18-19 July


Final report and Executive summary delivered 18 July 2005, providing inputs to chapter 3 of Tunis Agenda.


Chair, Subcommittee-2 (Financing Mechanisms)


H.E. Ms. Ileana di Giovan


PC-2 (17-25 February 2005)


Substantially completed chap 2 of Tunis Agenda.


Chair, Sub-Committee A (Internet Governance)


H.E. Mr. Masood Khan


Informal consultations on 20 July and 6 September 2005; PC-3 (19-30 September) and PC-3 resumed (Tunis, 13-15 November 2005)


Completed chapter 3 of Tunis Agenda, on Internet Governance


Chair, Sub-Committee B (Issues other than Internet Governance)


Ms. Lyndall Shope-Mafole
(Head of Delegation, South Africa)


PC-3 (19-30 September) and PC-3 resumed (Tunis, 13-15 November 2005)


Completed Tunis Commitment and chapters 1 and 4 of Tunis Agenda on implementation and follow-up


Note:  All meetings took place in Geneva unless otherwise noted. PC = PrepCom.


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