Resolution 73 (Minneapolis, 1998) of the International Telecommunication Union
(ITU) resolved to instruct the ITU Secretary-General to place the question of the holding of a World Summit on the Information Society
(WSIS) on the agenda of the United Nations Administrative Committee
on Coordination (ACC, now the United Nations System Chief Executive
Board - CEB) and to report to the ITU governing body, the Council,
on the results of that consultation. In his report to the 1999 session
of the Council on that consultation, the Secretary- General indicated
that the ACC had reacted positively and that a majority of other
organizations and agencies had expressed interest in being associated
with the preparation and holding of the Summit. It was decided that
the Summit would be held under the high patronage of the UN Secretary-General,
with ITU taking the lead role in preparations.
2001, the ITU Council decided to hold the World Summit on the
Information Society in two phases. The first phase took place in
Geneva (Switzerland) from 10 to 12 December 200. The second phase
will take place in Tunis (Tunisia) from 16 to 18 November 2005.
UN General Assembly Resolution
56/183 endorsed the framework for the Summit adopted by the
ITU Council. The Resolution also endorsed the leading role of ITU in the Summit and its preparation, in cooperation with other
interested organizations and partners.
UN General Assembly Resolution
56/183 further recommended that preparations for the Summit
take place through an open-ended intergovernmental Preparatory Committee
that would define the agenda of the Summit, decide on the modalities
of the participation of other stakeholders in the Summit, and finalize
both the draft Declaration of Principles and the draft Plan of
Action. It invited
the ITU to assume the leading managerial role in the Executive Secretariat
of the Summit and invited Governments to participate actively in
the preparatory process of the Summit and to be represented in the
Summit at the highest possible level.
In Resolution
56/183 the General Assembly also encouraged contributions from
all relevant UN bodies and other intergovernmental organizations,
including international and regional institutions, non-governmental
organizations, civil society and the private sector to actively
participate in the intergovernmental preparatory process of the
Summit and the Summit itself.