number |
Data item
(Note 3) |
operator or provider
(Note 1) |
(Note 1) |
Description |
Remarks |
01 |
act_code |
X |
X |
X |
code indicating the
action to be taken on the notice - “A” – Add or
“S” - Suppress (delete) |
02 |
cat |
X |
X |
X |
code indicating the
category of information - “O” – Satellite
service Operator /
“P” Space
segment Provider or “U” - User. |
03 |
adm |
X |
X |
country symbol of
the notifying administration
that submitted the
(see Table 1A of the Preface to the International Frequency
List) |
04 |
ntwk_org |
X |
X |
symbol of the
organization operating regional or international satellite
networks (see Table 2 of the Preface to the International
Frequency List) |
05 |
adm_adr |
X(255) |
X |
X |
contact address
(telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc.) of
notifying administration |
NOTE 2 |
06 |
emerg_adr |
X(255) |
X |
X |
contact address for
emergency situations (if different) (telephone number, fax
number, e‑mail address, etc.) of notifying administration
NOTE 2 |
07 |
ntc_id |
9(9) |
unique BR identifier
(notice ID) of the satellite network
(see SNL online at:
08 |
sat_name |
X(20) |
name of the space
(see SNL online at: |
09 |
ntwk_name |
X(20) |
commercial name of
the space station |
10 |
long_nom |
S999.99 |
nominal longitude of
the space station, give “-” for West “+” for East or “NGSO”
(see SNL online at: |
11 |
op_agcy |
999 |
operating agency
number (see Table 12A/B of the Preface to the International
Frequency List at: |
12 |
op_agcy_nm |
X(200) |
of the satellite operating administration or agency and contact
address (telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc.) (24
hours a day, 7 days a week) |
NOTE 2 |
13 |
freq_assgn |
9(5).9(5) |
assigned frequency |
For each assigned
frequency, provide a new data record |
14 |
freq_min |
9(6).9(5) |
lower limit of the
frequency range for the group of operational frequencies |
15 |
freq_max |
9(6).9(5) |
upper limit of the
frequency range for the group of operational frequencies |
16 |
freq_sym |
X |
symbol indicating
megahertz [M] up to and including 10 500 MHz or gigahertz [G]
above 10.5 GHz |
17 |
emi_rcp |
X |
code identifying a
satellite operation mode as either space-to-Earth/downlink [D]
or Earth-to-space/uplink [U] |
18 |
srv_area |
service area(s) of
the frequency assignment - symbol of the country or geographical
area (see Table 1B of the Preface to the International Frequency
List) |
NOTE 2 |
19 |
adm_remark |
X(255) |
regarding the use of the indicated frequency or frequency band |