Radio Regulations Board (RRB): It's place, role and functioning in the ITU: References and Annex 1 (Resolution 80 Consideration)


1. Codding G A Jr: International Constraints on the Use of Telecommunications, in “Telecommunications - An Interdisciplinary Text”, by L. Lewin (Ed), Artech House 1984.

Federal Communication Commission,

International Court of Justice,

Doc. RRB2001/253, 19 March 2001, Ryszard Struzak, member RRB, Some historical remarks on RRB,

PP 2002 Resolution 119 (Rev. Antalya, 2006), Methods to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Radio Regulations Board,

Region A Member States,

Region B Member States,

Region C Member States,

Region D Member States,

Region E Member States,

ITU Constitution, edition of 2007,

Chapter I Basic Provisions
- Art. 3 Rights and Obligations of Member States and Sector Members, no. 26
- Art. 7 Structure of the Union, no. 43
- Art. 8 Plenipotentiary Conference, no. 56
- Art. 9 Principles Concerning Elections and Related Matters, no. 63

Chapter II Radiocommunication Sector
- Art. 12 Functions and Structure, no. 82
- Art. 14 Radio Regulations Board, nos 93 – 101

Chapter V Other Provisions Concerning the Functioning if the Union
- Art. 32 General Rules of Conferences, Assemblies and Meetings of the Union, no. 177

ITU Convention, edition of 2007,

Chapter I Functioning of the Union
Section I
- Art. 2 Elections and Related Matters, nos 20 – 22
Section 5 Radiocommunication Sector
- Art. 7 World Radiocommunication Conference, no. 116
- Art. 8 Radiocommunication Assembly, no. 129
- Art. 9 Regional Radiocommunication Conferences, no. 138
- Art. 10 Radio Regulations Board, nos 140 – 147
- Art. 12 Radiocommunication Bureau, nos 167 – 174
Section 8 Provisions Common to the Three Sectors
- Art. 22 Relations Between Sectors and With International Organizations, no. 253

Chapter II Specific Provisions Regarding Conferences and Assemblies
- Art. 23 Admission to Plenipotentiary Conferences, no. 268B
- Art. 24 Admission to Radiocommunication Conferences, no. 282A
- Art. 25 Admission to Radiocommunication Assemblies, World Telecommunication Standardization Assemblies and Telecommunication Development Conferences, no. 298G
Annex Definition of Certain Terms Used in this Convention and the Administrative Regulationsof the International Telecommunication Union, no. 1006

13. ITU Radio Regulations, edition of 2008,

Volume 1 Articles

Chapter II Frequencies
- Art. 6 [page 177] Special agreements, no. 6.6

Chapter III Coordination, notification and recording of frequency assignments and Plan modifications
- Art. 7 [page 181] Application of procedures, nos. 7.1, 7.5 – 7.7
- Art. 12 [page 209] Seasonal planning of the HF bands allocated to the broadcasting service between
5900 kHz and 26100 kHz, no. 12.9
- Art. 13 [page 215] Instructions to the Bureau, nos. 13.01, 13.02, 13.3, 13.6, 13.12, 13.12A, 13.14, 13.15,
13.17, 13.18
- Art. 14 [page 219] Procedure for the review of a finding or other decision of the Bureau, nos 14.5 – 14.8

Volume 2 Appendices

Appendix 30 Provisions for all services and associated Plans and List for the broadcasting-satellite service in the frequency bands 11.7-12.2 GHz (in Region 3), 11.7-12.5 GHz (in Region 1) and 12.2-12.7 GHz (in Region 2)
- Art. 8 [page 464] Miscellaneous provisions relating to the procedures, nos 8.1 – 8.6
- Annex 4 [page 549] Need for coordination ………, nos 3.1.3, 3.5.1
Appendix 30A Provisions and associated Plans and List for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service …………
- Art. 8 [page 620] Miscellaneous provisions relating to the procedures, nos 8.1.1 – 8.1.4, 8.2.1, 8.2.2

Volume 3 Resolutions and Recommendations

Res. 80 (Rev.WRC-07) [page 83] Due diligence in applying the principles embodied in the Constitution

Res. 149 (WRC-07) [page 129] Implementation of the decisions of WRC-07 relating to Appendix 30B to Radio Regulations, see “instructs the RRB”

Res. 548 (WRC-03) [page 281] Application of grouping concept in Appendices 30 and 30A in Regions 1 and 3, see “noting b)” and “instructs the RRB”

Res. 900 (WRC-03) [page 397] Review the Rules of Procedure for 9.35 of the Radio Regulations, see “considering b)” and “instructs the RRB”

Res. 901 (Rev.WRC-07) [page 399] Determination of the orbital arc separation for which coordination would be required between two satellite networks operating in a space service not subject to a Plan, see “considering e)” and “instructs the RRB”

14. Rules of Procedure, Part C Internal arrangements and working methods of the Radio Regulations Board,

15. Doc. RRB08-2/6, 6 June 2008, Chairman RRB, Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07) and the workload of the RRB,


Annex 1


Although Resolution 80 does not say it 'expressis verbis', the main problem to which it refers is the use of geostationary orbit and associated radio spectrum. In the initial period of this orbit exploitation, and with the principle of first-come-first-served in force, it began to be extensively used by few developed countries having suitable technology at hand. That may be considered a natural process of development but the world evolves, situation changes, and a number of other countries now want to join the “club”. So the problem arose as to how in practice could the principle of equitable right to use and equitable access be realized. In answer to this new situation, WRC-97, under the pressure of those other countries, adopted Res. 80 (see Annex 1 in [1]) which was maintained and revised by WRC-2000 and WRC-07. These moves, however, did not mean that any real progress in resolving the problem was made. RRB was requested to propose solutions, but such a task for the RRB alone constitutes, in my view, mission impossible.

The ITU, as other international organizations, can work effectively only when good will towards cooperation exists and spirit of compromise among its members prevails. This may take place only when all of players see in this approach the only sensible way ahead. But in this case unfortunately, it looks like that up to the present time the above condition has not been fulfilled. Those occupying the geostationary orbit simply have not been responsive (one should remember that big economic and strategic interests are at stake, and people are reluctant to resign from profits and privileged position, if the situation does not force them to make concessions). So it is not a surprise that the Circular-letters CR/88 [1] and CR/101 [2] from 1998 remained without any serious responses, and no real progress was made at WRC-2000 [3], WRC-2003 [4, 5, 6] and WRC-2007 [7, point 5.7].

Only recently, when it became evident that the situation in the geo-stationary orbit is becoming critical and the pressure from “other countries” is steadily mounting [8, 9], it became possible to expect some change. In response to this, the BR, at the request of the RRB, distributed in April 2009 Circular-letter CR/300 [10] through which RRB once more asked for contributions from Administrations which would help the Board in its studies. The BR also distributed Circular-letter CR/301 [11] in which Bureau urges Administrations to remove unused assignments and networks from the MIFR.

But most important is another action which the BR started, and for which it should be appreciated very much. They initiated exchange of views and open discussion of this delicate problem which began in the session organized by them at the International Wroclaw Symposium on EMC in Poland, in June 2008 [12]. It was continued at the BR Workshop in Geneva, in May 2009 [13, 14], and which hopefully will continue in 2010. Additionally, ITU-R Study Groups began serious consideration of possible technical and regulatory solutions [15].

One may hope that having such a combined “think tank” and effort behind them, the RRB will be able to present meaningful preliminary proposals, but a workable solution would be possible only with the cooperative and responsive stance of Administrations.

The problem is very difficult and delicate, and it should be repeated: big economic and strategic interests are at stake, and people are reluctant to resign from profits and privileged position, if the situation does not force them to make concessions. Those occupying the geostationary orbit are simply not responsive yet.


1. Circular Letter CR/88, 11 February 1998, Resolution 80(WRC-97)/PLEN-6(WRC-97,

2. Circular Letter CR/101, 13 July 1998, Resolution 80 (WRC-97),

3. WRC-2000, Doc. 29, 27 January 2000, Resolution 80 (WRC-97) – Report by the RRB,

4. RAG-2002, Doc. 1/14, 16 January 2002, Rep. of Colombia – Proposals for the work relating to Res. 80 (Rev. WRC-2000),

5. RAG-2002, Doc. 1/20, 13 February 2002, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden – Comments on doc. RAG2002-1/14 (on Res. 80 (Rev. WRC2000)),

6. WRC-03, Doc. 4-Add. 5, 20 February 2003, Report of the BR Director on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector, Part 5: Implementation of Resolution 80 (Rec.WRC-2000),

7. WRC-07, Doc. 4-Add. 3, 19 June 2007, Report of the BR Director to WRC-07, Part 3: Activities of the Radio Regulations board,

8. RAG-08, Doc. 1/11, 12 February 2008, Colombia – Proposals of questions to implement Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07),

9. Radiocommunication Study Groups, Doc. 4A/110, 1 October 2008, Colombia – Implementation of the modifications on the Res. 80 (Rev.WRC-07) for WRC-11, agenda item 8.1.3,

10. Circular Letter CR/300, 22 April 2009, Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07)

11. Circular Letter CR/301, 1 May 2009, Removal of unused frequency assignments (Space Services) from the Master Register,

12. Session on Efficient use of orbit/spectrum by satellite systems, organized by ITU-BR at the 19th Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition on EMC, Wroclaw, Poland, June 2008,

13. ITU-BR Workshop on The Efficient Use of the Spectrum/Orbit Resource, 6 May 2009, Opening address by the Director of BR,

14. Radiocommunication Study Groups, Doc. 1/56, 1B/100, 1C/54, 3 July 2009, Summary notes on the BR Workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource,

15. Radiocommunication Study Groups, Doc. 4A/278, 15 October 2009, Annex 18 to Working Party 4A Chairman’s Report, Preliminary working document towards implementation of Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07),
Stage 1 of the Working Party 4A work plan,


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