[Seminar on Public Protection and Disaster Relief Communications, Geneva, 24 September 2002
Schedule and Content]
[9:00 - 9:30 hours] |
[Opening Session]- [Opening of the Seminar,] - [Sabah Towaij] - [, Seminar Coordinator and Chairman, ITU-R WP 8A]
- [Welcome Address by ITU]
- [Introductory Remarks by Seminar Chairman,] - [Alan Jamieson] - [, New Zealand]
[9:30 - 11:00 hours] |
[Session 1: International Activities on PPDR]- [1.1 ITU Activities, ITU Task Force on Emergency Telecommunications]
- [1.2] - [ITU-R Activities,] - [Alan Jamieson,] - [Chairman WG-PPDR, ITU-R WP8A]
- [1.3] - [ITU-T Activities,] - [Hal Folts,] - [Rapporteur ITU-T Q.ETS/16]
- [1.4] - [UN Activities,] - [Hans Zimmermann, Senior Humanitarian Affairs Officer, OCHA, United Nations]
[Questions and Answers] |
[11:30 - 12:30 hours] |
[Session 2: Wireless Systems for PPDR]- [2.1] - [Project MESA,] - [David Thompson,] - [Manager, Global Standards and Technology, TIA]
- [2.2] - [Role of Amateur Services,] - [Paul Rinaldo,] - [IARU]
- [2.3] - [Transport Information and Communication Systems (TICS),] - [Paul Najarian, ITSA]
- [2.4] - [Public Wireless Systems, including IMT-2000,] - [Bob Simmonds,] - [Executive Vice President, Regulatory, TELUS Mobility]
[Questions and Answers] |
[14:00 - 15:30 hours] |
[Session 3: PPDR Regional Activities]- [3.1] - [North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),] - [Michael Street,] - [MIEE CEng, Communication & Information Systems Division, NATO Command Control and Consultation Agency]
- [3.2] - [APT Activities,] - [B. Bhatia, President, Core Group of Telecom Industries Association, India]
- [3.3] - [Emergency Communication in European Public safety Services,] - [Egil Bovim,] - [Tetra MoU]
[Questions and Answers] |
[16:00 - 17:30 hours] |
[Session 4: Regulatory and Technical Issues]- [4.1] - [ETSI�s EMTEL INITIATIVE,] - [Claire d�Esclercs,] - [Kjell Strandberg,] - [ETSI]
- [4.2] - [Regulatory Aspects,] - [Veena Rawat,] - [Industry Canada]
- [4.3] - [Public Safety Systems- addressing PPDR requirements,] - [Hubert Azemard,] - [Chairman, Tetrapol Forum]
- [4.4] - [Wideband and Broadband PP Applications,] - [Paul Frew,] - [Motorola]
[Questions and Answers] |
[17:30 - 18:00 hours] |
[Closing Session] [Summary and Conclusions: Seminar Chairman, Alan Jamieson, New Zealand] |