Geneva, 24 September 2002 Over the last number of years it has become evident that additional international attention should be placed on the importance and the need for enhanced telecommunication for public agencies and organizations dealing with law and order, safety of life and property, emergency and disaster relief. It is also recognized that recent advancement in telecommunication and information technology can provide advanced solutions and systems to better facilitate these requirements. However, for these agencies and organizations to operate and cooperate effectively within the same country and within cross-boarder situations, a level of interoperability and interworking need to be maintained.In recognition of the importance and urgency of this, an item was placed on the agenda for ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2003 "to consider identification of globally/regionally harmonized bands, to the extent practicable, for implementing future advanced solutions to meet the needs of public protection agencies, including those dealing with emergency and disaster relief, to make regulatory provisions, as necessary". The objectives of this seminar are to provide a forum to discuss, to exchange views, and to reflect on this important subject. Sabah Towaij, Seminar Coordinator and Chairman, ITU-R WP 8A |